Wednesday, March 05, 2008

A Rare Privilege, Indeed

While the sixth grade attended a field trip, today, I stayed behind to attend learning support meetings. In between my meetings, I filled-in for two 7th grade teachers, who also attended similar meetings. It gave me an opportunity to see what my colleagues are doing in the classroom, and boy, I gotta tell ya, I'm impressed as all get-out.

Define Tyrant -- Naw, Not PappaZ
First, I had an opportunity to play Mr. James Ellis, the 7th grade social studies teacher. We did a study guide review for a test tomorrow on medieval Europe. The students were well prepared for the review and we had an interesting session talking about the importance of the Rhine and Thames River, knights, lords, vassals, and feudalism. The munchkins were intrigued and motivated. All too soon, Mr. Ellis returned, and I moved on to the next teacher. I like Mr. Ellis' style of teaching.

Pizza To Wet The Learning Appetite
Next, was Mr. Tristin Forney, 7th grade language arts teacher, and one of my former students -- oiy, I'm gettin' old. Anyway, the cherubs came into the classroom, got into their groups, some grabbed a laptop, and they proceeded to work on a project. Talk about motivated. They are writing a piece, complete with the mechanics of grammar, on their favorite pizza parlor. The winning group gets a pizza from that establishment. Now, these kiddoes were mine, last year, and they were a great bunch of characters, but, I have to tell you, Mr. Forney has truly motivated them. I saw real learning, cooperative learning, inquiry-based learning, practical learning, going on. I told him and I will tell you, Mr. Forney is an innovative teacher with a unique style. Unfortunately, he is a temporary, long-term substitute. Whatever school district lands him as a permanent addition will indeed be fortunate. I have watched Mr. Forney from the time he was a student teacher with Mrs. Fry and throughout this school year and the only word I can think of to describe his classroom environment is -- COOL. I sincerely hope Loyalsock finds a permanent position for him, he is a gifted teacher.

I sometimes look around at my colleagues and am truly impressed with the quality of our teaching staff, here at the middle school.

They're Baaacccckkk!
My cherubs returned about noon. We ate lunch in homerooms. It gave me a chance to ask about the "Frankly Ben" show. Some liked it, others described it as opera meets rap, and still, others did not care for the wiggle/jiggle dancing. Few saw a link to the historical Ben Franklin figure. Mostly, they saw a young Ben trying to decide his future. To be fair, Stasia did exclaim, "It was Cool!" Ryland told me "it was awesome." Ask your kiddo, tonight, about the show.

I would love to hear from you. Whadd'ya think of the teachers at Loyalsock or how did your kiddo like the Frankly Ben show?

Have a great night, folks.

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