Friday, February 29, 2008

Shocking Watt U Can Learn

My buddy, Bailey, shows little emotion as the vandegraf generator builds a hefty charge and discharges an arcing lightning bolt. We spent a good part of the day playing. My telephone, shown in the photo, got the brunt of the discharges as we watched bolt after bolt zap the receiver. Watt more can we learn about Ben Franklin"s experiment?
Have a great weekend, folks.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Seismic Waves

Well, the munchkins pretty much finished the Earthquake powerpoint and should be starting the next worksheet -- Slinky P-Waves. Time for a surprise multiple-choice question quiz, eh? By all appearances, the cherubs are fooling around, gathered around six 'puters, but, looking at their worksheets, today, I see at least one member of each group is on the ball. Talk about controlled chaos.

Van deGraf generator
Oooohhh, I've got a Van deGraf static electricity generator for use in tomorrow's social studies class. I got it from the high school science department. The kiddoes were not real impressed with the power of a small Leydon jar in producing an electric discharge. This puppy can arc a charge from three feet. If Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment left them lukewarm, this demonstration should be a real shocker. They will be charged-up for next week's musical.

The Boss is Back
Good to see Mr. Fausnaught back. His color still is not a healthy glow, but, he appears to be functioning. This "crud," as the cold/flu bug has been dubbed, is making its rounds. I was nailed, last week. Mr. Fausnaught is going on a month. Mrs. Pulizzi spent three days at home and should have made today, a fourth. She looks really weak. The kids are coming back after days of being sick with the "palest" complexions. It really is a "crud."

Have a great night, folks

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We Is Workin' On 'Puters

The lesson continues as the cherubs work together on PappaZ powerpoints in the classroom.

I gotta really thank Mr. Gee and Mr. Black, for working so diligently, to get my six little boat anchors -- I mean, 'puters, working. With Mrs. Nemeth in the computer lab, I can still do my lessons. This is great.

In Social Studies, we viewed a video about the real Benjamin Franklin. I gotta tell ya. He has always been my hero and with my paunch of a gut and balding head and reading glasses, I am starting to look like him.

Have a great night, folks.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


The kiddoes are ganging-up on six computers in my classroom, reviewing powerpoint presentations on various aspects of Earth's innerds. Today, they started with everything they need to know about earthquakes. Each group (about four kids, each) shares a single computer to answer worksheets pertaining to that powerpoint. In the meantime, they have a reading assignment from the textbook and answer the questions on the section review page 145.

Social Studies
It ain't no Leydon jar, but my lightning game, certainly gave my munchkins an idea of the static electricity Benjamin Franklin sought in his kite-flying experiment. We spent the entire period shocking ourselves. Although the boys strived to show off, little Jolene took shock after shock without even a change in facial expression. Okay, not a heck of a lot of learning went on, but, we had fun and believe it or not, the children understood the basis of Benny's experiment.

Pulizzi Out Sick, Fry Still Out, Antonacci Went Home
I was all alone in 6th grade, this afternoon. Thank goodness Mrs. Nemeth has been here for a while and there was a familiar face down the hall. I even miss Mr. Fausnaught, who frequently pokes his head in my room and utters a friendly greeting. A cold, rainy day, inside and out.

Geologic Timelines
Wow. Mucho munchkins completed and displayed their 15-foot geologic timelines. Thanks, kids, they look great. Oh, Leah, my question to you about the timeline referred to a 15-foot long strip of paper that hardly had any information for the first four billion years, but the last 100 million years was full of all kinds of neat events that occurred on Earth. The idea was to put into prespective Earth was desolate for so long and then burst forth with events.

Have a great night, folks.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Making A Geologic Timeline

15-feet until humans appeared

Our geologic timelines started at 4.5 billion years ago and continued until today. At 10-cm equals 100,000,000 years, the 15-foot long timeline seemed empty compared to all the Earthly developments that occurred over the last 100 million years. As they are completing the assignment, the timelines are going up on the wall outside my room.

Social Studies
Frankly Ben is March 5, so, today, we started to learn a bit about Ben Franklin. Of course, I am zeroing in on Franklin, the scientist.

Have a good night, folks.