Friday, January 15, 2010

Finished with Earth's Innerds

I completed the unit with a short video on the New Madrid earthquake of 1812, and a 20 minute overview video of volcanoes, earthquakes, and plate tectonics. The cherubs were able to answer every question from the video, that I asked. "Day done learned."

Dance of the water molecule
Oh yeah, on Tuesday, we start the water cycle. The boys will be air particles, the girls will be water molecules, and one particular boy will be dust particle. We will then act out the processes of evaporation and condensation. We also go back into the textbook, and the munchkins will be given reading assignments from the book. WHAT?!? Mr. Z expects them to read for themselves? I pray, they will be able to handle the three or four-page reading assignments.

No school, Monday
Teachers become students on this in-service day. Have yet to be given an agenda of what we can expect. Ho boy, I hate these days. I got into this gig to teach the best way I know how and with a method that will inspire children to learn. Often, those latest and greatest new methods are simply a rehash of methods that were tried and failed, in the past.

Have a great weekend, folks.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Human Tragedy

It pains me to teach about the earthquake in Haiti, knowing I must limit my remarks to the scientific phenomena - the quake, and side-step the human drama. It "ain't" my job or place, however, it is in the news because we are studying earthquakes, right now, in science.

I hope parents sit and watch the unfolding events with their children and speak frankly about the quake. Your kiddoes do know how to equate this magnitude quake with the 1989 San Francisco tremblor, and we also mention other significant quakes to affect the United States.

Science Quiz Today
I am "sorta" impressed and "sorta" distressed that my munchkins either found today's quiz easy, while a handful found it difficult and did poorly. If your child is having a difficult time with these powerpoints - on my website - please, fire off an email to me. We can play internet tag and get the student up to speed.

I was so excited yesterday, to be able to blog, again, that I neglected to thank all my students that thought of my during the holidays with the "Christmas" gifts they presented. I enjoyed the fudge, biscotti, coffee, gift certificates, and yes, my Christmas Yoda bobble-head.

Have a great night, folks.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I AM BACK!!!!!!

Sorry for the long hiatus. Contractual issues, "ya" know.

Currently, the sixth grade is engaged in learning about Earth's "innerds" interior. Oh yes, we doing the whole nine-yards, including seismology. So, yesterday, was a lesson on earthquakes. And, wouldn't you know it, a 7.0 quake devastates Haiti.
This unit is in the form of seven powerpoints I wrote several years ago. The link to those powerpoints is on my website.
After each powerpoint, students are given a five-question quiz pertaining solely to that powerpoint. We complete each powerpoint with accompanying worksheet, in class. Whatever I don't get done in class, is the student's responsibility to complete independently.

I strive to keep edline updated. However, understand that not all assessments are graded. I engage the children in inquiry discussions and in-class problem solving using learned materials. So, if you don't see an updated edline for upwards of a week or so, please bear that in mind.

I get 25 minutes with just a few kiddoes, each day, to review or enrich science materials. That is so difficult to do, and because of band and/or chorus do not have the luxury to get each munchkin. And, we rotate, each day, so I get one group every six days, and even then, its not all the same cherubs, due to band and/or chorus.

Social Studies
Civics in sixth grade, wow. I do Constitutional rights and amendments. Very low-key. So much so, I rarely assign homework and prefer daily, face-to-face learning with my students.

Contact Me
Got a question, concern, quip, query, comment, quandry? Fire me an email. Bear in mind, I am not the greatest at receiving criticism, however, don't let that stop you. I am a big boy and if you have any concerns or criticisms, please share them with me. If I don't know, I can't act on it.

Have a great night, folks.