Thursday, September 24, 2009

First test tomorrow

Well, the first science test of the year is tomorrow. Today, I handed out and reviewed a study guide to prepare the cherubs for a 10-question, multiple-choice test on chapter 1 - soils.

I have thumbnail photos of each kiddo that I had laminated. Tomorrow, before the test, they will cut-out their photo and adhere it into their leaf project.

On Monday, the munchkins will need their completed leaf collection project. They will receive a 24-point project grade for the mounted leaves, and a 5-point test grade for their folder containing all the leaf project handouts. Parents, you will need to sign a paper verifying you checked that folder and all the items listed are included in the folder.

Also, on Monday, we begin our first experiment on soil.

Has this week really been as long as it feels?

Have a great night, folks.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When is the leaf project due?

look at my blog, look at my homework page, look at my daily agenda entries, look at the posters on the wall in my classroom, passed out the rubrics with the due date, passed out a page detailing what is required on that due date, along with a parent signature, and, of coursed, listen to the daily oral reminders by Mr. Z. I really should make an effort to communicate to these children. OKAY -- the leaf collection material are all due on Monday, Sept. 28, at the start of class.

Have a great night, folks.

Monday, September 21, 2009

In the 'puter lab

we introduced the leaf id key, today, in the computer lab. kiddoes are invited to work at home on the internet. however, we will be in the lab on Tuesday, and Wednesday.

The big news is the leaf collection project is due on Monday, Sept. 28.

Chapter 1 test on soils is this friday.

have a great night, folks. the shift key on my laptop is sticking and i am having difficulty with capital letters.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

This Week's Game Plan

Okay, here it is:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, we are in the computer lab with our leaves and data tables. Using the link on my website ( we will find the common and scientific names of our leaves to complete the leaf booklet.

That pesky leaf booklet is due Monday, September 28, at the start of class. One letter grade penalty for each day late.

Also, we are completing Chapter 1 - soils and I plan to have a review on Thursday and the start of class on Friday, before handing out a 10-question multiple-choice quiz on Friday.

Starting on Monday, September 28, we begin an experiment with sand. Actually, there are a couple of sand experiments, before we move on to Chapter 2 - landforms.

Whew! Welcome to middle school. The paper chase - begins!!!

Have a great rest of the weekend, folks.