Friday, January 11, 2008

Bye Key

We arrived at the State College airport about 4:45 a.m., today. The daughter's plane left at 6:15 for Detroit, then Houston, then a friend was to drive her back to Galveston. The stuffed cougar was a gift from her boyfriend when she arrived in Galveston, last August. His note with the toy, "Welcome to Texas." Krysia brought it home for Christmas to show us and to remind herself of Eric. She arrived back on campus about 2:30 p.m. and opted to crash for the next several hours. We have been up since 2:30 a.m. Krysia is driving home May 7 for the summer.
School Business
A few failures, but, overall, really good grades on the ocean floor quiz. They have a writing assignment for Monday. Write a description of 5 features of the ocean floor as part of a fantasy story.
Really tired. Have a great weekend.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Prepare for the Ocean Floor

Okay, looks like sections 62,63 and 64, are ready for tomorrow's ocean floor quiz. We reviewed, pointed to illustrations and redefined vocabulary. Students used highlighters to highlight important passages in the textbook. Good luck.

It was eerie, this morning. I meet and greet the kiddoes in the lobby, each morning. Usually, the noise is overwhelming, and then, when Mr. Fausnaught dismisses to the lockers, the resulting stampede causes even me to seek shelter along the wall. This morning, it was utter silence, particularly when they were dismissed to lockers. The procession was orderly and nearly silent. The locker scene was even more disturbing. Students were quietly chatting and quickly hanging up jackets and getting books for class. Brrrrrrr. Mrs. Nemeth then explained the students were told about our presenting tickets for random acts of kindness and behavior. Aha!!! Pavlov lives!!!!!!

My Baby is Packed
Krysia is nearly all packed. She is ready to go back to school. My heart aches something terrible as I realize it will be another four months until I see her. Thankfully, she is happy with her choice of school and friends. Although she is homesick, I can see she is nervous about leaving, this home. The dog has been sleeping with her every night. Last night, the dog realized something was awry and opted to sleep in the hallway, outside my daughter's room. Even the cats kept their distance. However, home alone, all day with the animals, she says they stayed close to her as she packed. They know.

I Saw a Scowl
I must really must be a meanie. Those tickets the kids are designing had one that showed illustrations of a smiling Mrs. Pulizzi, a smiling Mrs. Antonacci, a smiling Mrs. Nemeth, and a scowling Mr. Z. I will try to be nicer, but, I refuse to smile!

Have a great night.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

I'm Back

Hi folks:
Took a holiday break of my own. I needed some down time to spend with the daughter. She goes back to Texas on Friday morning. She leaves from the State College airport.

Ocean Floor Quiz
Short quiz on the features of the ocean floor is slated for Friday, and then, a writing assignment for the weekend. Honestly, if the munchkins utilize classtime on Friday, they should complete the writing assignment before leaving the classroom.

Using Map Coordinates
I am wrapping-up the social studies marking period with lessons on how to use latitude and longitudinal measurements. Boy, did I have one frustrated boy, today, as he attempted to complete a 10-question test finding coordinates on a map grid. He left the test blank. He and I worked one-on-one, he took the test back to his seat and worked on it until afternoon announcements. He handed me the test, went to his locker, and left for the day. Guess what? He got a 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Archaeology BASE
As you know, I am a member of our local archaeology society. At our meeting Tuesday at the museum, members of the Muncy Historical Society joined us and invited us to the dig site on Pepper Street. It is the Pennsylvania Canal project. They invited me to bring the 6th graders to participate in the digs. Excitedly, I started teaching my BASE students about archaeology. I hope they take an interest and we can perhaps visit the dig site in late April or early May.

8th Grade Teachers Are Fun
You've got to checkout Mrs. Wright's blog Really great things going on in 8th grade. This middle school is a great place. Well, I, too, am having fun. I really love our kids. From 6th grade through high school, they are a very polite and friendly group of children.

I Miss Mrs. Fry!
Don't get me wrong, Mrs. Nemeth is a treasure and we are lucky to have this talented woman in our school, but, gee, I miss Mrs. Fry. It's funny how close you get to the people you work with. (oops, ended with a prepositition) Anyway, parents and kids, fire off an email, letter, note, postcard, get well card, anything. Let her know she is missed and loved. I have been avoiding making contact with her, fearing my loud, overzealous demeanor may be too much for her, right now. I will call her, tomorrow, during my free period.

Have a great night, folks.