Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's Da Wolf!

According to native American folklore, tonight's full moon, known as Wolf moon, is roughly 15% larger, at moonrise, than any other part of the year. Too bad I won't be able to get a snapshot of moonrise. This darned storm.

I Can't Win
My bad leg went bad, again. Since I have no feeling in my feet, I was unaware of the infection in my big toe. The result? My large, swollen right leg -- the result of lymphedema from sepsis (blood poisoning) -- is infected, again. I zipped out of school at 3 p.m., yesterday, to get to the doctor's office. So, back on antibiotics. The swollen leg makes it difficult to shovel snow. You work up a sweat falling over everytime you toss a shovelful of snow, and then struggle to get back up.

Have a safe weekend, folks.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Just No 'scapin' It

I felt the cold icy stare of Mother Nature, yesterday, as I broke and scraped ice from the driveway, patio and sidewalk, at home. It was then, I decided, the Christmas decorations had to go. Despite it all, I still have the holiday spirit as I look at my "Mr. Z Rocks" cup, I got from Dalton, for Christmas.

Have a great night, folks.

Monday, January 05, 2009

We Got Slimed!!!

To reinforce the notion that the mantle is a molten, solid rock, that flows like a liquid - we did an experiment in Plasticity. Okay, we made slime. It's a simple third grade experiment that should take a group of five kids about 30 minutes to do. Believe it or not, not all the munchkins made their slime. They ran out of time!?!?!?!

They Have The Recipe
The kiddoes are now armed with the recipe for making slime. All they need is a 4-oz. bottle of Elmer's glue, a smidgen of corn starch or borax, water, and a squirt of liquid hand soap.

Have a great night, folks.