Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Seaweed and Rice Crackers

Gave most of the cherubs a treat - a rice cracker infused with sea salt and sea weed. Although the boys enjoyed the snack, the girls were a bit less receptive. A couple of girls wanted to go the water fountain to wash-down the foul biscuit. Oh well, no accounting for taste.

Three Kinds of Plankton
we use to gauge the health of the Chesapeake Bay: phytoplankton, zooplankton, and macrozooplankton. Ask your kiddo about them.

Have a great night, folks.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Features of the Ocean Floor

Gave an intesting test on the features of the ocean floor. How did your kid do? I handed back the tests to sections 63 and 61. The others will get their test back, tomorrow.

I will be updating my edline gradebook before Thursday. Still grading those pesky Mixing Bowl paragraphs.

Have a great night, folks.