Friday, May 08, 2009

Look to edline

Progress reports are due, today. Students with a "D" or lower will have a hard copy of the progress report sent home. I have 'lotsa' hard copies to send, today.

Please, parents, I update edline each week, when needed. If your kiddo did not turn in a paper a month ago, that means I have already spoken to that child three times. Please do not ask me to print-off a copy of that assignment, now, and give it to your child to redo. That time has long passed and we are working on something completely different.

You would not believe how many requests I get for such action or to do extra credit work. Why?

I post my entire unit on my website for easy download and printing. My homework page is always up-to-date. I monitor my email to provide quick response to queries. Short of calling each of you, daily, I am doing things at my end trying to make your child successful.

Feels like pigs flying
Just because I went to San Antonio, last weekend, and am now sick as a dog, means my allergies turned into a cold. I do not have "swine flu."

Have a "cough-free" day, folks.