Friday, March 14, 2008

Sorry, I'm Late

I was so busy after school, I did not get home until 9:15. Between paying bills, shopping with the wife, and going to church, I was really occupied.

Hey, did ya stop by Mr. Fausnaught's blog, today. Fantastic video. Here is the link:

I see Lee Lee has admonished me for being late with the blog. Sorry.

Nothing much to write about, today. Hmmm, PappaZ, dumbfounded -- notify the media!

Have a great weekend, folks.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Gag Response

I could deal with the discarded candy and gum wrappers on the floor. I even tolerated the cow syndrome (chomping on gum with mouth-open), but, I draw the line on discarded gum. I peeled off two wads of gum from seats, this morning. Kids found more under the table at computer #5 and one under the hole punchers. Needless to say, I gagged as I removed them. I have therefore instituted a no gum/candy zone in my classroom. I am not kidding. Violators will first have lunch detention with me, and a second offense results in an after school detention. I shutter to think of a third offense penalty.

My BASE Is Getting Bugged
In keeping with water quality awareness, my BASE kids are researching macroinvertebrates and how they are used to study the quality of water. Ya know, some critters are very sensitive to pollution, while, others thrive. Here I thought I would get "icky pooh" from some kinds, but they embraced the research. It really is a kind of fun research. I hope tomorrow's BASE thinks so, as well.

Have a great night, folks.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Squeezing 25 kids in a 10-feet long space

Section 63 is close to completing their Earth's Innerds unit.

Take a look at how they cram together to gather the information from six computers on the side of my classroom. Ahhhhh, togetherness. Its a wonderful thing, as long as, everyone is showered and teeth are brushed. Really. The kids have been great during this unit. They work in teams of 4 or 5, and each team shares one computer. I really have to thank Mr. Gee, Mr. Black and Mr. Johnson, our techies, for repairing my six computers. It certainly saves us from using the entire computer lab.

We Dig In April!!

The Northcentral Pennsylvania Chapter 8 Archaeology Society and the Muncy Historical Society continue their dig at the old Muncy Canal Lock on Pepper Street, Muncy, on April 26. The dig is open to the public. Wanna learn a bit about artifact collecting? This is a great opportunity. The link to the Muncy Historical Society and the dig operations are: Click on this link and learn all about digging into our past. Its a great site and well-maintained.

Have a great night, folks.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rewarded For Good Behavior

Mrs. Antonacci, Mrs. Pulizzi, Mrs. Nemeth, and Mr. Fausnaught, were so intrigued with the sixth graders' great behavior at Frankly Ben, that we spent periods 6 and 7, watching "Ella Enchanted," (I liked it) and eating popcorn and lollipops. Just our way of saying thanks for the good behavior.

Map Skills
In social studies we started a packet on map skills.

Have a great night. I wanna get back to the movie.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Loyalsock Conquers Mansfield -- On To Altoona!

WOW!!!! Congratulations,
Loyalsock Township OM Teams!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Sun-Gazette for publishing photographs -- here's the link:
Anisha, Leah, and Addie -- quoted in the newspaper! You're now stars. And, I bet this won't be your only 15 minutes of fame!!!