Thursday, February 28, 2008

Seismic Waves

Well, the munchkins pretty much finished the Earthquake powerpoint and should be starting the next worksheet -- Slinky P-Waves. Time for a surprise multiple-choice question quiz, eh? By all appearances, the cherubs are fooling around, gathered around six 'puters, but, looking at their worksheets, today, I see at least one member of each group is on the ball. Talk about controlled chaos.

Van deGraf generator
Oooohhh, I've got a Van deGraf static electricity generator for use in tomorrow's social studies class. I got it from the high school science department. The kiddoes were not real impressed with the power of a small Leydon jar in producing an electric discharge. This puppy can arc a charge from three feet. If Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment left them lukewarm, this demonstration should be a real shocker. They will be charged-up for next week's musical.

The Boss is Back
Good to see Mr. Fausnaught back. His color still is not a healthy glow, but, he appears to be functioning. This "crud," as the cold/flu bug has been dubbed, is making its rounds. I was nailed, last week. Mr. Fausnaught is going on a month. Mrs. Pulizzi spent three days at home and should have made today, a fourth. She looks really weak. The kids are coming back after days of being sick with the "palest" complexions. It really is a "crud."

Have a great night, folks

1 comment:

Mrs. Wright said...

"controlled chaos" ....
Sounds like they are ready for the 51st State of Confusion in Conoway's class!!