Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We Is Workin' On 'Puters

The lesson continues as the cherubs work together on PappaZ powerpoints in the classroom.

I gotta really thank Mr. Gee and Mr. Black, for working so diligently, to get my six little boat anchors -- I mean, 'puters, working. With Mrs. Nemeth in the computer lab, I can still do my lessons. This is great.

In Social Studies, we viewed a video about the real Benjamin Franklin. I gotta tell ya. He has always been my hero and with my paunch of a gut and balding head and reading glasses, I am starting to look like him.

Have a great night, folks.

1 comment:

Mr. Fausnaught said...

I am looking forward to all of you seeing Frankly Ben, Mr. Z. You are going to have a wonderful time.