Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The New Phone Book Is Here!!!!

As Steve Martin said in the film, "The Jerk," when the new phone book arrived. "I'm a somebody!" I made it as an address link in Mr. Fausnaught's blog! Just watch me sashay down the main hallway, now. Hmmmm. My importance has now increased. Hee hee. Just kidding. Thanks, Mr. Fausnaught.

Earthquake Central
The munchkins are getting the hang of working in groups on the computer to answer worksheet questions on Earthquakes, as presented in a series of powerpoint presentations. You say you can't find those powerpoints? Well, its because they can only be accessed from inside the school district buildings. In other words, its on the district server that is not accessible on the internet. Sorry.

Drainpipe Adventures
BASE kids are working on a water conservation project. The first phase is design a Wet Willie adventure through the drainpipe.

Social Studies
Equal rights.

Have a good night, folks.


Mr. Fausnaught said...

You've always been a Somebody,

Anonymous said...

I GOT A 100!! YEA!!!