Tuesday, February 10, 2009

They ain't no Xerox machines - that's fer sure

I gave my cherubs a chapter test, today. It was the same as the study guide we reviewed, yesterday. It even had a word bank attached. Absolutely no reason why the words on the word bank could not be spelled correctly on the test. It was a matter of finding the right answer to the question and copying it word-for-word. I must have given several children that test back, three or four times to correct misspelled words before I graded it. OIY!!!!

Progress Report time
Check out edline.net. The sixth grade teachers will only send out a hard copy of the progress report upon request or if your child has a "D" or lower in that particular subject.

I went to my first middle school basketball game, yesterday
As I stated yesterday, I am not a bball fan. However, I went to cheer on our 7th and 8th grade boys. I actually did enjoy the 7th grade game. The guys played their hearts out against Jersey Shore. Coleman made a phenomenal shot - it was called, half tripping backwards and half tipping the ball off. Hey, it went in!! I stayed for the first period of the 8th grade game. I was more than a little annoyed at the inappropriate language used by some of our boys, and they were called on it. GOOD! You're too young to swear. Hey, who am I kidding, you're never old enough to swear. Where's that bar of soap?

Have ya seen my addition to my website?
Beneath the photo of me, I have a link to a Toby Keith song. Yeah, I know, but folks. I love all genres of music -- 'ceptin' rap - yuck.

Have a great night, folks.

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