Saturday, December 20, 2008

It's My Birthday, And I'll Blog If I Want To

Yepper. I am officially 50. And, ya know? It ain't that bad. My kids and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning and then, I was up at and showered by 5:30. Coffee is brewing, the dog is outside, the cat's have gone out and are back sleeping on the radiators, the bird is flying around the house, and I am blogging.

I am getting my new driver's license picture, today. My old one, has the most horrendous photo of me when I weighed over 400 pounds. Yuck.

So, what's new at 50?
a.) I've dropped 150 pounds and feel great.
b.) I realize I've lost track of every childhood friend. And, am picky about whom I call friend, today.
c.) My life is centered on my children, who are both grown and about to leave - for good - to start their own lives.
d.) The dog and I have become inseparable as we spend every afternoon walking three or more miles through the Vallamont area of Williamsport. You get to ponder life during such walks.
e.) I can get away with flirting.
f.) I feel intellectually alive!
g.) Maturity still escapes me
h.) Love is underrated, overstated, and, misunderstood
h.) I understand the phrase, "Life begins at 50."

Have a great weekend, folks.


Anonymous said...


Marci Davis said...

Congratulations on 50 years! May you have 50 more!


Leah said...

Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas Mr. Z!