Thursday, January 31, 2008

Conglomerate Rock

Okay, we made conglomerate rock, in class. Funny, we mixed a grey powder in with our sand and rounded gravel. Conglomerate means multiple or many. The multiple came from the grey powder -- it was a mix of lime, silica, iron oxide, etc. But, wait!~!~

Did you say, lime? But, lime comes from limestone and limestone is formed by combining calcium and carbonate. Calcium comes from sea shells.

Therefore, limestone is formed in ocean water!!! But, conglomerate contains lime. Does that mean conglomerate is a sedimentary rock that is formed by sediment from ocean water and land? Does that mean, we find conglomerate rock near ocean water or where ocean water was once present?

Does that support the theory that Williamsport may have been at the bottom of shallow sea?

Hey. This is getting good. Tune in for more on this theory.

Have a good night. Stay off the ice, tomorrow. Believe, it bites -- hard.

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