Sunday, November 11, 2007

Veteran's Day

"While we were all sitting around on our fat butts, guys like that, tough guys, guys with guts, were out there defending our way of life." Lt. Greenawalt (Jose Feerar) in the 1954 movie, The Caine Mutiny.

This scene occurred as the officers of the DMS Caine, a warship in WWII, celebrated the exoneration of Lt. Maryk in proving Lt. Commander Queeg, the ship's captain, lost control of his mental faculties during a typhoon in July, 1944, forcing Maryk to seize control of the ship. Although Lt. Greenawalt was the defense attorney that got Lt. Maryk freed from the mutiny charges, the attorney also realized the man he discredited honorably served his nation for over a dozen years.

Thanks to all the brave men and women that serve and have served in our country's armed forces, defending the freedoms we so carelessly enjoy.

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