Friday, November 09, 2007

Thanks, Allie

I am so embarrassed. I forgot to mention Allie, yesterday. Allie is one of my sixth grade cherubs. Knowing I am diabetic, this sweet monkey brought in a package of Quaker Instant Oatmeal Weight Control Cinnamon-flavored. That was just so sweet. She wrote on the packet, "Mr. Zdun, Hope you enjoy this!!! My mom got this for us at Giant if you would like to get it. From, Allie." She added, "If you need to know many calories are in this there are 160." Well, I tried it and it is great. I thought I would have a reaction to the high-fiber cereal, but I did okay. Thanks, Allie. It is so nice to have my kids worry so, about me. They are well aware I worry so, about them.

It all made sense to some kids. Ocean water has 35,000 parts-per-million of salt, while humans can only tolerate 500 ppm. Hmmm, is that why drinking ocean water can dehydrate you? Yep, the salt pulls the moisture right out of your body. The more saltwater you drink the higher the chance of dying from thirst. Wow!! And, Mr. Z, do you mean to tell us that of all the water on Earth, only 1%, is available for life on Earth, to use? Yep, the same water you drink today, could have been ingested by a dinosaur a 100 million years ago.

Social Studies
What's Right With America. This fictional video is about a family that lived in Africa for several years, but, returned to the United States, only to find the Constitution has been repealed and the Bill of Rights are non-existant. Brrrrrrr. Kinda makes you think how good we have it.

Maroon BASE
We started Star Wars Episode 1, today. Students learned the genre has shifted to a new hero, (Obi Wan Kenobe), new mentor, new nemesis and new problem. They connected that today's hero Obi Wan, became the future mentor to Luke Skywalker's hero persona. Unchanged are the comic relief antics and narrators of the story, C3PO and R2D2. In future years, these kiddoes will make the connections with Beowulf and Illiad.

Have a great weekend. Grab a drink of water and read a good book.


Anonymous said...

hi mr. zdun, i like your blog.

Anonymous said...

I love Star Wars! I want to be in your base.

Anonymous said...

i was going to buy you some coffee and a healthy snack bar but i forgot...sorry.

PappaZ said...

Thanks, guys and girl. BRRRRRRR. gonna be a chilly weekend.