Thursday, November 08, 2007

Did You Read Pages 80-91, In The Textbook?

"Ketch-up" work in science, today. Most kids finished the vocabulary words and read the assigned pages in the textbook.

Social Studies
We organized the student-led parent conference folders and talked about why we have these conferences. I told the munchkins not to be nervous. No nasty things will be said and that I will be there for support, encouragement and approval.

Today, we started a study of weather. I used a nifty video from United Videostreaming. It entailed discussion and demonstration of clouds and moisture. My BASE thought they knew it all, until I asked them why we needed smoke in a sealed chamber to make a cloud. Duh. Okay, I let them in on the secret about water molecules clinging onto the dust particles present in the smoke. Kind of a need introduction into our water unit in science. Tomorrow, in science, they will learn that it takes about a million water molecules, clinging to one dust particle, to make water visible. This process is what forms a cloud -- it is simply water as a gas turning into water as a liquid.

Have a good night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your new BASE idea. It sounds like fun!!!!!! : )This weathering unit looks quite fascinating.

Lee Lee
(Leah Nason)