Monday, November 12, 2007

Dance of the Water Molecule

We acted out the water cycle. I had several boys play the part of air molecules that expand and separate when heated by sunlight. Water molecules (girls) move in to fill the void left by the air. Together, they rise into the sky until the air temperature is too cold and the air molecules contract, squeezing out the water molecules. Along comes a dust particle and they cling onto it. All the girls in the class play the water molecules and cling onto the lone dust particle. When the molecules reach 1,000,000, a droplet forms. This is where water goes from a gas back to a liquid. It was all quite exciting, especially, since the students better understand the hydrologic cycle.

Conferences Wednesday and Thursday
My social studies class assembled their conference folders today and we practiced what would be said in the conference during a 13-minute time period.

Relative Humidity
We used a sling psychrometer in BASE, today, to measure the humidity of the cafeteria (91%), the gym and lobby (both at 58%) and the sixth grade hallway (35%). A healthy environment is between 40 and 80%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Z the sling psychrometer activity we did in base was good. I liked that activity.