Thursday, November 01, 2007

Did Ya See the Newspaper, Today?

MRSA on the rise in Lycoming County. Gee, my sixth graders learned about MRSA, this week. They know how the media can "sensationalize" everything -- even a staph infection that plagued mankind for the last two million years. My kids studied and experimented with "superbug," and they know that good hygiene, not panic, is the best prevention.

Finding the Percentages
We went back to the basics of mathematics, today. Reviewed and revamped our findings on the percentage of water our families used, last weekend, in our water use survey.

Welcome Mrs. Nemeth
Nice lady. Mrs. Nemeth joined us today as our new, temporary, sixth grade reading teacher. I showed her how to use the computer in her classroom, the audio amplifier and the multimedia projector. She will be online, soon, with the grade program and homework blog. One step at a time, if you please. Many of the cherubs recognized her as their CCD teacher -- that's Catholic Sunday School.

I Got Candy
Thanks Allie and Jolene. These girls, each, gave me a baggie of candy from Halloween -- I told you I have nice kids, this year. I bet my family and friends are reading this right now and exclaiming, with hands on either side of face, "BUT, HE'S DIABETIC AND SHOULD NOT EAT SWEETS." Don't worry, even one morsel of candy sends me scrambling to the potty. I will donate the candy to some worthy munchkins -- maybe, Mrs. Antonacci's kids -- they are just as sweet as the candy.

Have a great night!

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