Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Mnemonic Works

I used a mnemonic -- A, Z, P, S, to help students solve the source of the superbug virus. Those letters stand for Antonacci, Zdun, Pulizzi, and Springman. Get it? The four 6th grade teachers. So, once the kids exhausted all hypotheses using available information, they had to rely on good ole hypothesis to make an educated guess. I gave them the clue -- first period, the source cup was A, for second period, the source cup was Z. Then, my third science class had P and finally, the last class got to guess -- S, for Springman.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Z nice use of mnemonics it was awesome how our answer turn out to be.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.Z the effection experiment was really cool.I really enjoyed that class period. I hope we do something like that again