Monday, February 02, 2009

Well, well

We discussed wells, today. Ya know, the underground puddles o' water that we pump out for drinking, cooking, bathing, flushing potties. Sure, we discovered the zone of saturated is the layer of rock and soil soaked with water and held in place by an impermeable layer of small "pored" soil and rock. When that zone can hold not more water, the extra floats on top and forms a water table. Above that is permeable rock, or the zone of aeration.

Then we got into artesian wells -- ya know, springs. Wells forced to the surface by water pressure. The water that bubbles up from the ground.

Finally, we talked about carbonic acid and caverns. Seems like this lesson gets harder and harder to teach in the prescribed time period. Could it be I talk too much? Naw.

Five question multiple-choice test, tomorrow. I gave out a study guide.

Have a great night, folks.

1 comment:

Mr. Fausnaught said...

Good you are back, Pappa Z.