Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thrust without Drag results in an airplane that gushes rather than flows

The kiddoes, today, discovered their Foamie Flyer airplanes are worthless without a rear stabilizer, either horizontal or vertical, or both. Their planes went the distance, but, if I were a passenger on the 6th grade airlines, I would be using the bag that comes with the plane's passenger seat. That project is due, tomorrow.

It holds me in place, but how does it affect an object in flight? The cherubs will find out tomorrow, as they build, launch and test paper helicopters.

Mrs. Pulizzi has become a computer geek
Yep, she has the kids in the computer lab writing Haiku-style poetry on Mrs. P has always been leery of the 'puter until Mr. Fausnaught, Mr. Ellis, and Mr. Johnson, introduced the middle school staff to the simplistic version of Microsoft office. It is not as intimidating as office. In fact, Mrs. Pulizzi is taking the forefront of the sixth grade teachers in implementing this computer program. Way to go, Cheryl!

We got another visit from Mrs. Fry, today
It was a special visit. One of our boys, I won't say who because it would ruin his macho image, approached Mrs. Fry and gave her a big hug and told her how he missed her. My jaw just dropped. I have always liked this kid, but, his behavior has always been an issue. To actually succumb to the moment and react as he did to Mrs. Fry, made me smile and think, this kid is gonna be okay.

Progress reports went out, today
Summer ain't here, yet. The number of failing or near failing science grades has me a bit shaken. I hope this serves as a wake-up call and you kiddoes get back to work. We have a couple of neat projects to complete before the end of the year. PARENTS: these are progress reports, not report cards. Don't get too excited about the low science grade. Just double-check my homework page and ensure the munchkins are getting the work done. Click the link to go to my homework page.

Have a great night, folks.

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