Monday, April 14, 2008

Hey! Z!! This ain't no 'ritin' class!

Okay, you conducted an experiment with friction. Now, I wanna know how you know water reduces friction. In other words, if you are going to answer such questions, be prepared to show evidence or support to what you are claiming. Gee, I feel like I'm teaching a class in language arts.

Outside for BASE
Well, I've been taking the cherubs outside during BASE and they just don't seem to appreciate it. We asked them to wipe off their shoes before entering the building. Mr. Bubb even went so far as to place a rug at the door. Still, a handful of kiddoes refuse to abide by our wishes and track mud throughout the hallways and classrooms. Then, when we call them in, several boys insist on continue playing until we are hoarse shouting them in. Perhaps, the children should earn the right to go outside? I know I am not too keen on doing that for a while.

Have a great night, folks.

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