Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Speed of Sound

Sound travels through air at about 1,000 feet per second. Through water, sound travels about 4,500 feet per second. If we want to know the depth of the ocean, we need to send a sound wave pulse down to the ocean floor and time how long it takes to go down and back. What we want is the time it takes to go down. Therefore, munchkins learned; Distance = rate of speed of sound in water times the time it takes to go down. Whew!

One Question Quiz
A luxury on my part. By giving one question, I was able to see some students do not read the question. You see, each student at a table, got a different question to answer. Many of them glanced at their neighbors and copied answers -- oops. Fortunately, very few students did that. Most kiddoes received a 100% on the quiz. GREAT!!!

Shanghai Massetti Got Me
It was picture make-up day. Despite my avoidance of cameras, Miss Massetti, our girls' gym teacher, got me. She even sent a student to escort me to the weight room, where they were taking pictures. Can you believe the photographer asked me to smile!?!?!?!?

Have a great night.

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