Monday, January 14, 2008

Ocean Life Zones

Three factors that affect ocean life are: sunlight, temperature and water pressure. Three types of ocean life are: Plankton, Nekton, and Benthos. Three major ocean life zones are: Intertidal, Neritic, and Open-Ocean Zones. The open-ocean zone is divided into two parts: Bathyal and Abyssal. That's it. That is what we are covering today and tomorrow. Pretty easy, eh? Can you guess what the one question quiz will be about? Ok, here's a hint. There will be four different one-question quizzes. That means, each person at a four-person table will have a different question to answer.
Am I good, or what?

Old Photos
The James V. Brown Library website features an online services historical archive of old photos. My BASE students are getting a chance to look at these photos. If I can get myself out of the school before nightfall, I can go around and get some today shots of these same places.

Have a great night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Z,
I'm glad your blog is back. When are we going to have those quizzes??? Or are they pop quizzes???
Lee Lee