Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Collecting Leaves

Have you said, "I want to spend more time with my child before he/she grows-up anymore, and no longer wants to spend time with me." Well, you're in luck. Here is a bonding project you and your kiddo can do.

Today, I passed out Part 3 of the Leaf Collection packet. This part is due on Monday, Sept. 17. Here is how it works. Students are to find one leaf from five different species of trees. Leaves cannot be torn or crumbled. The student will use the packet to record observations of the tree from which the leaf was collected. The observations include twigs, type of leaf, leaf arrangment on the stem, whether the tree is coniferous or deciduous, kind of bark, fruit and shape of tree. You can find a copy of the project on my website.

I would prompt you to go to Brandon Park, there are 40 types of trees in that park. They were planted in the early 1940s, after a vicious windstorm destroyed many, many of the trees in the park. A group of concerned citizens raised funding for new trees and planted them at various points in the park. Parents: if you wanna cheat, the gazebo in the park has a map of each tree in the park and each tree is identified. Let me know how you are making out.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mr. Z!! How have your first weeks back been? I remeber doing that leaf project!! It was pretty exciting. The only reason I know what a little tree in my front yard is called is because I used a leaf from it for that leaf project! Have a great year!!
Hope to see you soon,

PappaZ said...

Thanks, Meghan. I'm glad to hear from you and your positive remark about one of my projects.