Thursday, January 28, 2010

If I give an assignment, its only right I should expect it to be done

Rather uneventful day.  I asked two of my classes to distinguish between a valley glacier and a continental glacier as outlined in the the homework reading assignment from last night.  I had several teary-eyed munchkins asking for a retest, extra-credit, etc.  LOL! I did not grade that bellringer, but, it did serve as a fair warning that when I assign reading - it better be done.

I am so far behind in my teaching, this year.  I suppose because I had to cover things that should have been done at Schick.  Aw, its no big deal.  At least it gave me a chance to ensure they are learning this material.

Let's just say tomorrow we discuss frozen water and running and standing water.

Backpack Mail
My boss passed out backpack mail detailing a pilot after-school academic program.  I hope all parents take advantage of this program for their cherubs to strengthen math and reading skills.  You folks have a most excellent middle school.  We all bend over backwards to instill pride, skills, and diligence. 

Have a great night, folks.

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