Thursday, March 12, 2009

We Reviewed The Salinity Test

Did your cherub bring home his/her corrected science test? Well, they are to use it as a study guide and return it to me, tomorrow. I wanna see they fixed all their errors in preparation for a scaled-down retest on pages 44-48.

I am not doing them any favors by permitting them to retest. In fact, it is a disservice to them by minimizing the importance of self-preparation for a graded assessment. "If I screw-up, oh well, I can take it, again." That perception scares me when I see teenie-boppers taking their driver's test, over and over and over. At what point do we hold ourselves and our charges accountable for their actions. We learn best by lessons learned through failure.

Oh, well. I know I will never adopt a revolving door policy when it comes to tests, an occasional retest will not adversely affect my munchkins psyche or overall performance -- or will, it?

Have a great night, folks.

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