Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Slow Train A'Comin'!

Talkin' 'bout ocean waves, today. Yes, even sound waves. Referred to frequency, wavelength and wave period! Out comes my trusty train whistle and the munchkins are lined-up in the hallway - and there I go, marching up and down the hallway tooting on my train whistle so the kiddoes can understand the doppler effect. I even snuck in a little Fig Newton 3rd Law of Motion by bouncing a ball on the floor and then a tabletop to show wave action as it comes into shore.
The morning classes reenacted the making of a wave in the hallway.

Using PSSA writing rubrics I graded the morning classes essay on taking a walk on the ocean floor. I showed the prompt and a student's paper to Mrs. Pulizzi and Mrs. Nemeth. First thing Mrs. Pulizzi noticed was the prompt was not restated. The afternoon classes get this assignment on Friday. I hope I survive.

Vallamont Park
I am still in shock. I used BASE to show a powerpoint presentation on Vallamont Park. The kids loved it. In fact, they wanted to spend the entire period talking about historical Williamsport. I actually had a ball. I hope I piqued some interest in local history.

Have a great night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Z!!!!!
I really liked BASE today. I've always been a fan of old photographs. : )