Wednesday, December 05, 2007

First Word Uttered by Helen Keller? -- "Water"

That's right. Water was also the last words uttered by Ulysses S. Grant. The brain is 75% water. A desert rat and koala bear do not need to drink water -- they get it from their food. Each day the sun evaporates 1,000,000,000,000 tons of water and a person can live a month without food, but only about a week without water.

So, why the trivia?

We are starting a project called, "Testing the Waters." Tomorrow, we experiment with hard and soft water and each group will compare their results with theother groups in the classroom.

Kinda makes ya thirsty, eh? Well, it makes me thirsty. Gonna get a drink of water. Have a great night.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Z!!!
I liked the following direction thingy on our packets. I think it helped train us 2 remember 2 look at the rubrics.
-Lee Lee

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Z - While at Disney in Florida a few years ago, watching a film about dinosaurs, the narrator said that each and every drop of water here on Earth is the exact same drop of water that's been here since the days of the dinosaurs; there is no new water ever made. Is that correct? Does that mean I am drinking the same water the dinosaurs drank? EEEEWWW.
Cathy Drawbaugh, Crystal Gray's Mom