Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Did I Do Good?

Kids always ask that after they hand in a test. Well, how do you think, you did? If you feel you flubbed-up, you probably did. Ya know, if you are going to take a test and worry so much about the grade, then you should take the time to read the directions that go with that test. In big, bold, underlined words for the True-or-False questions, "If the answer is False, write the corect answer, or no credit will be given. Arrrrggghhh!!!!. At seven points, each, flubbing-up like that is ridiculous. All-in-all, the test was relatively easy and save for the small handful that refused to follow directions, the grades were really high. High? It must have been too easy. Z, you're losin' your touch. Or, Z, you are a wonderful teacher if these children can grasp the concept of fresh water the surface of the Earth.

No homework, tonight. I passed out the next vocabulary and informational packets on Fresh Water Beneath the Surface of the Earth -- ya know, wells, aquifers, springs, etc. We are working on that packet, together, in class. It's more fun, together.

Have a great night, folks. P.S.: Still waitin' for some venison.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Z -
Would you really like some venison? We were fortunate in our household and we harvested two deer so we have a LOT! Let me know. Cathy Drawbaugh, Crystal Gray's Mom