Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Survey Says. . .

So, what are the top five most common trees in Loyalsock Twp.? Today, my students completed the search for their leaf identification and used the genus of each tree to determine if the maple, oak, elm, sycamore, pine or fir is the most common tree. I placed a student roster on the whiteboard and titled each column after one of the aforementioned trees. Students simply placed a checkmark in each column for which they had a leaf. Tomorrow, they will tally the checkmarks to determine the most common tree in our area. Are you anxious to learn the most common tree? The tally will take the shape of a data table, complete with title and subtitles. The handout I gave the students for the data table reveals the most common tree in Loyalsock Twp. How does the 6th grade science elf know? Heh, heh -- I'll never tell.

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