Mrs. Antonacci's homeroom finished their holiday door featuring a snow-covered hill and multi-colored snowflakes. Joining in was Mrs. Phillip's learning support class. We certainly have a talented group of sixth graders.
Okay, Blog Title
Students worked on writing a persuasive letter to mom and dad to purchase a whole-house water softening unit, After studying hard and soft water; comparing distilled, tap, salt, and bottled water; reading about how water softeners work, and discussing experiment results, the munchkins approached the assignment by reviewing and jotting down notes, creating a 4-square graphic organizer and writing a rough draft. We will type these letters in the computer lab.
Map Reading
Social Studies begins a unit on map reading and finding locations. I call it, "Human Global Positioning System (HGPS).
Sad Ending
We go to the vet at 6:30 tonight, to decide if "Snowball (A.K.A. Kitty)," our 18-year-old short-haired domestic cat should be put down. The arthritis, loss of teeth, incontinence and senility prompted a family decision, last night. We'll see what the vet says. I will photograph him and post the picture, tonight. It's tough to say goodbye to an old friend. He had a great life -- one that would envy any feline.
"The King, Snowball" passed away peacefully at 6:50 p.m. He dined on warm milk, mashed beef and gravy, and lotsa love. Below, is Snowball's successor, Skunk. Skunk is our last male cat. His predecessor and next in line after Snowball, was Buttercup. "Cuppy" died on Jan. 18, 2007, after choking to death on a cat treat. We came home from the vet, Dr. Winton, to find Skunk in the place of honor at our house -- the couch. If you ever smelled the litter box after Skunk has been there, you would understand the name we gave him.
Sleep well, old friend.

1 comment:
Hi Mr. Z,
I hope Snowball is alright. When we had to put our cats down, one died hissing and the other died purring. Our cat, Sebs, is 15 years old right now. He's the oldest we've had.
Lee Lee
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