Okay, so you've pasted the time labels on your timeline. Now, you need to answer the questions on page 4. Which eon are you discussing on page 4? What's an "eon?" A definition is on the first page.
Anyway, you have answered all on page 4 and now move to page 5 and the first thing you are asked is to color in that eon. You know, the one you answered questions about on page 4. The eon that lasted 700 million years. That's right. The first one. Color it in on the timeline. I asked you use blue, but, if you prefer another color, go ahead. Just tell me what color you chose on your agenda sheet.
Look at that, you have a time line with the first 700 million years of Earth's existence, colored-in. Easy to see and recognize this first stage of Earth's development.
So, you have two other eons to color-in. Get it? The questions deal with those eons. Gee, that was easy.

Pages 4,5, and 6 are due on Friday. For Mrs. Phillips' crew, that went on the field trip, today, you will be working on your pages in class, tomorrow. They went, today, to see the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble.
Click here to see another kind of geologic timeline. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/glossary/TimeScaleShort.html
Have a great night, folks.