Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Don't Like Shorter Days

These shorter afternoon daylight hours means I leave school by 3:30 to get home to get the dog for a walk. I hurt my knee, yesterday, in a fall. So, I decided to take dog to Canfield Island, but it was far to muddy. We ended up walking around the school. We strolled through the fields and parking lots and ran into Mr. Conoway as he was leaving the building. Not the most pleasant of walks, but, it gave me a chance to stretch out my sore knee.

Student-Led Conferences
are coming up on Nov. 24 and 25. My social studies class today forged ahead with composing their long-term goals in all their classes. We will share that during conferences with the parents. If you've never been involved in a student-led conference, you're in for a treat. Ya know, I still remember when we introduced that concept. Mr. Fausnaught was a 7th grade teacher and permitted me to sit in on one or two of those conferences. Gee, this is going back to before my current stock of cherubs even started pre-school.

Science Reports Are Completed
and I for one am happy to hang-up my language arts teacher role. I don't know how Mrs. Pulizzi teaches that day-in and day-out. Gimme somethin to blow-up, instead. Science is what rules. Yes, Nancie, I know, my science curriculum, this year, is boring. She keeps reminding me how my kiddoes conducted a leaf-collection project, and, built balloon-powered race cars and launched paper airplanes, a couple of years ago. You did not know, Nancie, that last year, my students took off their sneakers and used an incline to measure the rate of friction on a dry and wet surface at various angles. Or how several centuries ago, we built and launched soda bottle rockets and used protractors to measure the rockets' height.

News of the Daughter,
She is coming home from college on December 17, just in time for daddy's birthday. I really love being a daddy, but, my babies have both grown. Until I become a grandpa, I may have to start a business, "Rent-a-daddy." My best friend is already a grandpa, and a coworker will soon be a grandma. Ya know, my buddy, his wife, and my coworker look great for entering the "grand" stage of life. Me, I looked like a typical grandpa since I turned 21. Kinda says a lot for taking care of your body, throughout your life. No kidding, you gotta see these people. The look like they are in their 20s.

No School, Tomorrow
You lucky stiffs - I gotta work. Dread, dread. Well, the yucky weather, the walk in wet grass and the darkness all around me signals a time for another cup of coffee and maybe some supper. The wife works second shift, so this guy, whose only talent is to burn water, is stuck trying to cook. The cats and dog refuse to share their food with me, anymore, and the cockatiel has never offered to share his birdseed. Maybe a hot meal, tonight - peanut butter on warm toast. Was that the phone? Oh, thought someone was calling to offer me a home-cooked meal. Oh well, the peanut butter, awaits.

Have a great weekend, folks.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Write On!!!!

Intro paragraphs and conclusions are now being incorporated into the final draft of the Conglomerate rock report. Today and tomorrow, we are working in the classroom to complete this project. PARENTS!! The kiddoes do not have homework, tonight. However, you may want to review what has been completed, thus far.

Have a great night, folks.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What Makes Conglomerate Rock So Special?

How can you turn this prompt? How would you use it as part of expressing the main idea of a science report? Well, the cherubs were posed that question today, when asked to compose an introductory paragraph and conclusion for their ongoing science report.

Did I confuse them? Eh?!? I think they know that the introductory paragraph needs to be statement with supporting statements. Oh well, we'll see tomorrow.

By the way, they will be writing their sloppy copy of the report, tomorrow and Thursday.

Mrs. Fry Shared Some Good News
She is feeling on the mend and is itching to someday return to teaching. Mr. Fausnaught came along and was there when she shared the good news with us. Geez, I love these people.

Mrs. Antonacci's Visitor
A combat veteran of World War II. A most appropriate Veterans Day observance. Kudos, Mrs. Antonacci.

Freedom of Speech
My social studies class debated a 1951 court case which asks if a man's rights were violated after he was arrested for making "un"American speech on the streets of Syracuse. I was dazzled as Sydney and Braxton took opposing sides and presented fantastic arguments. It cost me a bag of candy, but, was well worth it to see this group engaged in this lesson.

It Was A Nice Visit
Michael came down from the 8th grade, today, to help his mom and some of our munchkins with writing their introductory paragraphs. He stopped by my room during lunch and we chatted. It's always nice when Michael visits the sixth grade. Mom got a bit testy with me because science is not as much fun as when I taught her son using my old environment curriculum. Sorry. I am trying to make rocks - FUN! Maybe if I wore my Fred Flintstone outfit?

Have a great night, folks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Does My Rock Look Too Fat?

The conversations were about comparing one group's homemade conglomerate rock with another group's rock. Today, students were asked to write that comparison in paragraph form. A comparatively simple task, except, I did not tell them the prompt or the main idea.
Tomorrow, we write the project introductory paragraph and conclusion.

Have a great night, folks.