I took a bit of a respite from blogging. I think I am burning out. Gettin' old, I suppose.
Quiz Tomorrow10-question, multiple-choice with one open-ended question - all on sedimentary rocks.
Photographs, TodayI nearly smiled, but, opted not to chance breaking the camera lens. Oh well, that grumpy old Mr. Z will appear in the yearbook with a grizzled look on his face. Why not, there was Jack Lemon, Walter Mattheau, and me. C'mon, think of that movie title about old men.
Miss PorterAin't she just doing a grand job filling in for Mrs. Fry? She is a little sweety - about my son's age. I know my sixth grade boys like her -- great taste in women, boys. Go to Miss Porter's website -- she too, maintains a blog.
Keep Signing Them Science AgendasDid your kiddo finish the assignment on the agenda? Please verify completion and initial the agenda. They are receiving a weekly project grade for that.
New Marking PeriodBegins on Thursday. Nine weeks has gone by quickly. The grades are not awfully, too bad. Please do not email me about your kiddo's grade. I will hand out progress reports since the report card does not come out until the following Wednesday.
Meet Ya At the Breakfast CartI volunteer to man the lobby before school. Sort of mingle with the cherubs and then dismiss them to the lockers at 7:50 a.m. The one thing I have noticed is more and more kids choosing a nutritious breakfast at the lobby cart. As one that just returned from one step in the grave, eating right has become a big thing with me. Hats off to Mrs. Hufnagle and our Food Service staff, for the breakfast wagon. I even spotted Mr. Conoway eyeing the food, this morning. Kinda like the old adage, if you see truck drivers eating there, the restaurant must be good.
Okay, all talked out. Have a great night, folks.