Saturday, December 20, 2008
It's My Birthday, And I'll Blog If I Want To
I am getting my new driver's license picture, today. My old one, has the most horrendous photo of me when I weighed over 400 pounds. Yuck.
So, what's new at 50?
a.) I've dropped 150 pounds and feel great.
b.) I realize I've lost track of every childhood friend. And, am picky about whom I call friend, today.
c.) My life is centered on my children, who are both grown and about to leave - for good - to start their own lives.
d.) The dog and I have become inseparable as we spend every afternoon walking three or more miles through the Vallamont area of Williamsport. You get to ponder life during such walks.
e.) I can get away with flirting.
f.) I feel intellectually alive!
g.) Maturity still escapes me
h.) Love is underrated, overstated, and, misunderstood
h.) I understand the phrase, "Life begins at 50."
Have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Mr. Z! Is That Your Daughter?
Pangea to Present
Most groups are working on the Pangea packet in science. It is an introduction to Plate Tectonics.
Do You Think School Will Be Cancelled?
Unfortunately, yes. Looks like about three-inches of snow for us for tomorrow.
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Antonacci!!
She still looks like a teenager. It's hard to believe my baby sister, whom we found under a cabbage leaf, has grown to be such a beautiful woman. All I can tell you is, she is over 21 - barely.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Bad Weather
I hate two-hour delays.
Have a grumpy night, folks. Hhhhrrrruuuummmmpppphhhh.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Welcome To My Nightmare
Looking For Parents Signatures
Are you signing your kid's science agenda? Each signature counts as 20-points on a 100-point scale. I have one kid that did not get a single signature, last week. She got a zero for that grade.
The Good News?
My baby is coming home, tomorrow. Haven't seen the youngest of my offspring since late June. I stink at this empty nest stuff.
Got An Interesting Text
It appears my daughter's boyfriend is preparing a birthday gift for me. He is sending it home with my daughter. I really like this guy. He is a good and caring man. Actually, after she leaves Houston, he is going to Colorado to ski. Hhhrrrmmmppphhh.
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hope Mrs. Pulizzi
feels better, tomorrow. She was flushed, today, and complained of being cold and "headachy." More importantly, I hope she stays clear of me, Mr. "I get sick just by looking at'ya."
Have a great night, folks.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Have a great weekend, folks. In particular, best wishes go out to our resident "grandma-to-be." December 18 is getting awfully close.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It Done Snowed In Houston, As Rare As Mr. Z Smiling

The daughter sent this photo from the University of Houston. She is visiting with her friends and boyfriend before heading home, next week. The boyfriend, Eric, told me it is very rare to see snow, much less, enough to make this snowman.
This is the storm heading our way.
Can you say two-hour delay tomorrow?
Have a great and safe night, folks.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Is It Time To Go Home, Yet?
Have a great night, folks.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Trying Desperately To Save Time

Monday, December 08, 2008
Blame Mr. Fausnaught
Timelines Are UP
I got nasty looks from our maintenance guys. We're not supposed to hang anything from the walls in the hallways. I have about 11o, 15-foot long geologic timelines hanging in the sixth and seventh grade hallways. The epoxy paint they used on the walls does little good in permitting masking tape to hold. By the time I left the building, half the timelines were on the floor. But, ya know, they look good.
Oh, here is where I wanna thank Section 62, my first period class. They not only got their timelines up, but, all the students in that class did a timeline. Also, we got a chance to review the timeline packet. Mrs. Dincher suggested a candy reward, tomorrow. To be fair, Section 64, my second period class, also did a nice job in completing the assignment, getting timelines up, and reviewing the material. Okay, I'll give them candy, as well.
Timeline Quiz
on Thursday. Six questions. Multiple-choice. Hopefully, easy.
Funny Day, Today
Two members of my harem were a bit out of sorts, today. Something that never happens, with them, they were relatively quiet. I am concerned. The only good part of that is my ears got a well-deserved respite. I know, that comment will earn me some time in the boo-boo box.
Another one of my girls said she is feeling the impending weather, and, although she was not "bummed-out," she was on the reserved side. Still another of my girls, who is normally bouncy, bubbling and excitable, actually kept both feet on the ground. In fact, she was serious in several of our conversations. Thank goodness the last member of my gorgeous harem was back to normal, today. The last two weeks she was kinda stand-offish with me. Today, we joked and I even smiled. Shhhh, don't tell anyone. If the media were to find out I smiled . . .
I'm Not Ready For A Two-hour Delay
I hope the storm passes without affecting the school day, tomorrow.
Jealous Of My Boss
Not only did he infuriate me, today, by reminding me he is about a dozen years younger, but, Mr. Fausnaught tells me his blog has had over 1,500 hits since the third week of October. Is anybody reading my blog? Hello, lo, lo, lo, lo.
Have a great night, folks.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Pages 4,5, and 6
Okay, so you've pasted the time labels on your timeline. Now, you need to answer the questions on page 4. Which eon are you discussing on page 4? What's an "eon?" A definition is on the first page.
Anyway, you have answered all on page 4 and now move to page 5 and the first thing you are asked is to color in that eon. You know, the one you answered questions about on page 4. The eon that lasted 700 million years. That's right. The first one. Color it in on the timeline. I asked you use blue, but, if you prefer another color, go ahead. Just tell me what color you chose on your agenda sheet.
Look at that, you have a time line with the first 700 million years of Earth's existence, colored-in. Easy to see and recognize this first stage of Earth's development.
So, you have two other eons to color-in. Get it? The questions deal with those eons. Gee, that was easy.

Pages 4,5, and 6 are due on Friday. For Mrs. Phillips' crew, that went on the field trip, today, you will be working on your pages in class, tomorrow. They went, today, to see the Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble.
Click here to see another kind of geologic timeline.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Getting Closer To Earth

Last Day For Nice Weather
I hope you enjoyed today's weather. It's the last you will see for a while. I am looking forward to getting out for my nightly walk with the dog. The crisp air has made for some terrific three-mile excursions. Feelin' good, folks.
My Baby Is Taking Her Finals
The countdown is on as my daughter finishes her semester in College Station, Texas. She has been housed in an old hotel since Hurricane Ike damaged her Galveston campus and displaced her. The kid is so anxious to get outta there. She had a wonderful turkey day vacation in Houston. Although she stayed with a friend, she managed to spend a lot of time with her boyfriend. Both Shirin and Eric are terrific kids. I'm glad she met such wonderful people. She is finished at College Station on December 9, but, will spend a week in Houston before coming home on December 17. She already has decided to come to school with me on December 18 -- oh, oh, watch out sixth graders - she's a taskmaster. Makes me look almost housebroken.
Have a great night, folks
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Whatsa Constant?
Reading from the geologic timeline packet
Homework, tonight, is reading the articles about the first three eons of Earth. The students are to underline three unique items from each of the articles. Nice introduction for tomorrow's class.
Was it tough coming back?
I think only the teachers were dragging, today. The kids looked full of life and energy and ready to learn, today. Well, they were here. I did miss a number of kids, who apparently went hunting.
Have a great night, folks
Sunday, November 30, 2008
To Post Or Watch Boring Commentators?
So, how was Turkey Day? It was a nice get-together at my sister's house. Her husband passed away in September, so this was the first family holiday without Kurt. My sister's girls came in, my family, and my dad. Although I can no longer eat turkey, I did sample a little of everything else.
When they were in Poland several years ago, my son, sister, her family, and my dad, were served a soup - zurec - prior to each meal. So, my sister got the soup fixins' from a Polish deli and made the soup for Thanksgiving. Man, was that good. We all filled-up on soup prior to

My dad and sister live in Middleburg, along the ridge of a hill that overlooks the valley. A most tranquil setting. My dog, Missy, and my sister's dog, Molly, and I, took a long walk along the ridge. The dogs ran, played, kept vying for my attention by frequently stopping me for a pat or petting. After all that fresh air, I nodded off a couple of times in my sister's Florida room as the women folk prepared the meal. My son and niece's boyfriend played video games.
Well, the game is about to start. See y'all on Tuesday!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I Am Thankful For. . .
. . . my daughter found a terrific boyfriend
. . . my son has found his niche in life
. . . my son got over a very difficult relationship and is dating again
. . . wonderful friends
. . . a loving school family
. . . Mrs. Antonacci, Mrs. Dincher, Mrs. Phillips, Miss Porter, and Mrs. Pulizzi
. . . a job I love
. . . consistently great groups of sixth graders over the last 15 years
. . . my new lease on life -- I feel great
. . . the drive to prove to Mrs. Antonacci, I can dance - just gotta train my crippled leg
Happy Thanksgiving, be careful if you are travelling, good luck if you shop on Black Friday, good luck if you are hunting, enjoy life. Have a great vacation, folks.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Time For Conferences
can't come soon enough. These holiday weeks are getting tougher the older I get. Hey, you try keeping up with a hundred something 12-year-olds.
Have a good night, folks
Monday, November 24, 2008
I Love, My Girls
Today, my classes started building a geological timeline. First, we need to make a 15-foot long timeline and mark-it-off in centimeters. One centimeter equals 10 million years. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. Quick, how many centimeter marks will we need? Hope you said 450. If not, check your math work.
Anyway, Mrs. Dincher, always the mommy, spent the first class period fussing over the cherubs - rolling-up their timelines to keep them tangle-free, and cleaning-up after the kids. She just kept showing the munchkins what to do and I had to keep yelling at her that this is inquiry-based learning and directions are written-out. That means they learn through self-discovery. I came short of wrapping my arms around her to keep her from doing the work for the students. Yes, I love this woman and she does very well for herself, thank you, ordering me around. She is almost as good as Mrs. Antonacci. In the end, my students in that class completed the timeline format. I will not see them again, until Wednesday and next week, we begin assembling.
My other love is Mrs. Phillips. Her second period class is doing the same project. She, however, took students to the floor to lay-out their timelines and mark the centimeter points. There she was, crawling around on the floor with the kids - guiding, facilitating, advising; not doing the work for them. I did get a picture of her on the floor, but, did not download it yet, for this blog. Mrs. Phillips is well-aware of my teaching style and she does a wonderful job offering support when and where needed. Yes, they completed the assignment in preparation for assembling the timeline. I will not see them again until Wednesday.
In the end, I had a blast, today. My students are terrific and my two girls - Mrs. Dincher and Mrs. Phillips - are a godsend. Even Mr. Fausnaught stopped in to see us having -- dare I say it? FUN!!!!
Student-led Conferences
began today. The afternoon was spent meeting parents as wonderful as their children. Several conferences were enjoyable, others informative, all were interesting. You should have seen my kiddoes take charge of their conferences and lead me and their parents through the conference. I chuckle thinking of the several very nervous children anticipating the meeting of parent and teacher. Hey! sixth graders! Y'all done good. Thanks for your hard work.
PappaZ says this snowy weather will end by midnight. No need to fear a two-hour delay, tomorrow. You know I won't live this down, if I am wrong. Have a great night, folks.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Today's Topic? -- FOOD!!!!!
Back to Business
Miss Riggs, a third-year education major at Clarion University, and daughter of our own ESL teacher, played the part of teacher in my classroom, today. She is focused on English and Library Science, but, taught a lesson on the rock cycle. She did very well. Nasty me, I gave her this large lesson plan and we ended-up teaching just a portion of it. You see, I already taught most of that lesson, earlier.
My students were so well behaved for Miss Riggs. I am so proud of them. I hope Miss Riggs asks to come back and teach, again. Getting your feet wet and doing a cannonball into cold water are two different things. The more she gets wet, the more acclimated she will be to getting into the water.
The Malady that ate the Sixth Grade
struck. yesterday, Mrs. Antonacci, Mrs. Pulizzi and Miss Porter were sick -- they were really uncomfortable. Today, I learned that Mrs. Dincher, our aide, became very ill after leaving here for the day. She said she spent Thursday night in a near comatose condition -- not really, but, she did say it sent her to bed. Not sure how Mrs. Phillips, did. She went to a conference, today. Me? Well, I got nailed last weekend after being bitten by some type of creature in Mr. Conoway's room. I spent last weekend with a very uncomfortable rash on my jaw and neck. Similar to the rashes Miss Porter and Mrs. Antonacci suffered. My week has been a gnawing headache just above my eyebrows.
Ready for Conferences
The cherubs should have given you the student-led conference time slip. If you did not get one, better call Mrs. Antonacci on Monday morning.
Well, have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Holy Cabolees!
2. Miss Porter and Mrs. Pulizzi were ill, but, stayed.
3. We gave 4-sight tests
4. Kids were spread out throughout the building
5. We prepared for student-led conferences.
6. A kid kept a milk bottle in his locker and it soured and popped sending the most obnoxious odor throughout our hallway.
7. Progress reports were printed for the office
8. They served turkey, gravy and stuffing in the cafeteria and I could not tear away for lunch.
Why? Because we had cherubs with no place to go after their lunch, so I opened my room to them during my lunch. That has been my favorite lunch since I was a kid, here - and that was before turkeys were even invented. I missed out on turkey, stuffing and gravy --MAJOR BOO-HOO.
9. Skipped breakfast.
10. Mr. Fausnaught advised us not to eat yellow snow.
I left pooped, yesterday -- came in pooped, today. Am super-pooped, right now. Supper is on my mind, but the dog probably wants her walk. My remaining kid and wife, both, work second shift, today. After walking the dog would I really want to go out to buy supper? Should I make something? Naw, last night, I opened a can of corned beef and sat in front of the tube eating it right out of the can. I hate eating out alone and do not feel like bringing something home.
The day has been one dilemma after another. Worse, yet, the holidays are coming.
Have a safe night, folks. Here's to all the special people in my life -- my family, my school family, and my friends. I proclaim this, the summer of George.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Summation of My Day?
I am pooped!!!
4-sight testing today and tomorrow
progress reports are due
getting ready for student-led parent conferences
assembling lesson plans.
Have a great night, folks. Give your cherubs a bear-hug, tonight.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
There Is A Little Known Law. . .
I Meta Mor Phic
and he was boring. Okay, the cherubs were introduced to metamorphic rocks, via Power Rangers. Say, what? Ask your kid.
4-Sight, Tomorrow
I get to do mathematics. My homeroom, tomorrow. Mrs. Pulizzi's homeroom on Thursday.
Have a great night, folks -- think there is enough snow to build a snowman?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Boy, We're All Fired-up, Now
Have a great night, folks.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I Don't Like Shorter Days
Student-Led Conferences
are coming up on Nov. 24 and 25. My social studies class today forged ahead with composing their long-term goals in all their classes. We will share that during conferences with the parents. If you've never been involved in a student-led conference, you're in for a treat. Ya know, I still remember when we introduced that concept. Mr. Fausnaught was a 7th grade teacher and permitted me to sit in on one or two of those conferences. Gee, this is going back to before my current stock of cherubs even started pre-school.
Science Reports Are Completed
and I for one am happy to hang-up my language arts teacher role. I don't know how Mrs. Pulizzi teaches that day-in and day-out. Gimme somethin to blow-up, instead. Science is what rules. Yes, Nancie, I know, my science curriculum, this year, is boring. She keeps reminding me how my kiddoes conducted a leaf-collection project, and, built balloon-powered race cars and launched paper airplanes, a couple of years ago. You did not know, Nancie, that last year, my students took off their sneakers and used an incline to measure the rate of friction on a dry and wet surface at various angles. Or how several centuries ago, we built and launched soda bottle rockets and used protractors to measure the rockets' height.
News of the Daughter,
She is coming home from college on December 17, just in time for daddy's birthday. I really love being a daddy, but, my babies have both grown. Until I become a grandpa, I may have to start a business, "Rent-a-daddy." My best friend is already a grandpa, and a coworker will soon be a grandma. Ya know, my buddy, his wife, and my coworker look great for entering the "grand" stage of life. Me, I looked like a typical grandpa since I turned 21. Kinda says a lot for taking care of your body, throughout your life. No kidding, you gotta see these people. The look like they are in their 20s.
No School, Tomorrow
You lucky stiffs - I gotta work. Dread, dread. Well, the yucky weather, the walk in wet grass and the darkness all around me signals a time for another cup of coffee and maybe some supper. The wife works second shift, so this guy, whose only talent is to burn water, is stuck trying to cook. The cats and dog refuse to share their food with me, anymore, and the cockatiel has never offered to share his birdseed. Maybe a hot meal, tonight - peanut butter on warm toast. Was that the phone? Oh, thought someone was calling to offer me a home-cooked meal. Oh well, the peanut butter, awaits.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Write On!!!!
Have a great night, folks.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
What Makes Conglomerate Rock So Special?
Did I confuse them? Eh?!? I think they know that the introductory paragraph needs to be statement with supporting statements. Oh well, we'll see tomorrow.
By the way, they will be writing their sloppy copy of the report, tomorrow and Thursday.
Mrs. Fry Shared Some Good News
She is feeling on the mend and is itching to someday return to teaching. Mr. Fausnaught came along and was there when she shared the good news with us. Geez, I love these people.
Mrs. Antonacci's Visitor
A combat veteran of World War II. A most appropriate Veterans Day observance. Kudos, Mrs. Antonacci.
Freedom of Speech
My social studies class debated a 1951 court case which asks if a man's rights were violated after he was arrested for making "un"American speech on the streets of Syracuse. I was dazzled as Sydney and Braxton took opposing sides and presented fantastic arguments. It cost me a bag of candy, but, was well worth it to see this group engaged in this lesson.
It Was A Nice Visit
Michael came down from the 8th grade, today, to help his mom and some of our munchkins with writing their introductory paragraphs. He stopped by my room during lunch and we chatted. It's always nice when Michael visits the sixth grade. Mom got a bit testy with me because science is not as much fun as when I taught her son using my old environment curriculum. Sorry. I am trying to make rocks - FUN! Maybe if I wore my Fred Flintstone outfit?
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Does My Rock Look Too Fat?
Tomorrow, we write the project introductory paragraph and conclusion.
Have a great night, folks.
Friday, November 07, 2008
That Was Kinda Cool
How About A Roll Call?
If you are reading my blog, please drop me a comment. Mind you, I have to approve your post before I add it to the comments. I am also curious if the blog informs, entertains, or simply annoys you. Heavens, I am quick to criticize other blogs, I read. If I am not your cup of tea, please tell me why. For my loyal fan out there, I wish we were together, right now. I really miss you.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Ouch, Another Writing Assignment
This type of rock looks like a mixture of sand and different sizes of rounded pebbles. The pebbles are important because they are unique to the stone.
Sand and pebbles collect along sea shores, lake shore, or river banks. They are compacted by the weight of sediments that collect above them and cemented by material dissolved in the water that seeps through them.
Miss Porter is Ill
Talk about the living dead. Whew! Take another day off, kiddo.
Fewer Hugs, Today
I must look bruised. I only got a half-dozen hugs, today. I must feel like a roll of Charmin, big and soft.
Hey! Mike! Let Me Know If The Brother and Sisters Like My Idea from Wally-World.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Zowie!! Wow!! and, OMIGOSH!
I psyched-up the kids telling them their finished reports will be so informative parents will be going to work bragging about their newly-learned knowledge about this sedimentary rock.
I just love when these kids react in an eager manner. God, I wish I could instill a love of learning in them that I did not achieve until I started journalism in college.
I Glanced At My Homeroom Report Cards
Ten kids in my homeroom achieved distinguished honor roll, and one on honor roll. Not bad for a class of 23. Are the grades inflated? I don't know. I do know most of them work very hard in science and I try to encourage that by permitted fixing graded papers and such.
I Am Getting Hugs
I am getting more hugs from kids, this year, than ever. Could it be I am beginning to look more and more like Santa Claus? I get kids passing through the hallways stopping to give me a hug, 7th and 8th and even high schoolers. It feels so good to be loved. When was the last time you gave your kid a hug?
Social Studies Was Fun If You Just Try
I overheard one student from the first marking period respond to a kid in the second marking period, who stated he did not like my social studies class. The first kid said we do fun and neat things in social studies when students take an interest in what is being taught. Hmmm. Food for thought. Is it fun to take a court case about one of the Constitutional Amendments and initiate a debate, or construct a powerpoint presentation on your take on another court ruling? Funny, I never remembered civics as a fun class. Go figure.
Hope You All Voted
My daughter registered but never got her card from Lycoming County, they kept sending her correspondence about correcting her social security number. She did, they didn't. She did not get to vote. The boy and I went together to the polls. I saw several former students voting for the first time. I love America. Good luck, Mr. Obama. I'm gonna miss seeing that pretty Sarah Palin, in the news.
Have a great night, folks
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
My Blonde Angel
I ran into Mrs. Dincher on the way out the door. She said she wanted to read my blog. I explained to her how depressed I felt, today, because students are getting their parents to sign the agenda without verifying work was completed. I told her how discouraged I felt because I wanted parents involved and quite a few are not doing that. Mrs. Dincher gave me a pep talk. Made me feel pretty good that I am working as hard as I can to make these children successful.
Mike, Mrs. Dincher's son, was with her. He was always such a good kid and it reminded me how much I enjoy what I do.
Report Cards, Tomorrow
Oh, oh.
Writing a Science Report
Today, the cherubs wrote a paragraph about the conglomerate experiment. Some figured out our homemade rock is nothing more than concrete. Go figure. I was so dazzled by my first two classes, today. These kids wrote coherent, cohesive, and relevent paragraphs about the experiment. Hey, I gave each one an M&M fun pak. The last two classes were not as eager. Kinda ruined the mood, The last class were so eager to write a paragraph they wrote too much. They discussed computers, internet, etc. No, no, no. The paragraph was only about the hands-on experiment, not the project.
Tomorrow, we do research on the 'puters about conglomerate rocks.
Have a great night, folks, and thanks, Nancie, for the shot in the arm.
Monday, November 03, 2008
The Dog Got Skunked
Have a great night, folks.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I Got My Bag of Goodies!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Kids Are All Mixed-Up
Have a great night.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
That Long Awaited and Dreaded Day, Came. It Wasn't Too Bad

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Don't Feel Like Blogging
Quiz Tomorrow
10-question, multiple-choice with one open-ended question - all on sedimentary rocks.
Photographs, Today
I nearly smiled, but, opted not to chance breaking the camera lens. Oh well, that grumpy old Mr. Z will appear in the yearbook with a grizzled look on his face. Why not, there was Jack Lemon, Walter Mattheau, and me. C'mon, think of that movie title about old men.
Miss Porter
Ain't she just doing a grand job filling in for Mrs. Fry? She is a little sweety - about my son's age. I know my sixth grade boys like her -- great taste in women, boys. Go to Miss Porter's website -- she too, maintains a blog.
Keep Signing Them Science Agendas
Did your kiddo finish the assignment on the agenda? Please verify completion and initial the agenda. They are receiving a weekly project grade for that.
New Marking Period
Begins on Thursday. Nine weeks has gone by quickly. The grades are not awfully, too bad. Please do not email me about your kiddo's grade. I will hand out progress reports since the report card does not come out until the following Wednesday.
Meet Ya At the Breakfast Cart
I volunteer to man the lobby before school. Sort of mingle with the cherubs and then dismiss them to the lockers at 7:50 a.m. The one thing I have noticed is more and more kids choosing a nutritious breakfast at the lobby cart. As one that just returned from one step in the grave, eating right has become a big thing with me. Hats off to Mrs. Hufnagle and our Food Service staff, for the breakfast wagon. I even spotted Mr. Conoway eyeing the food, this morning. Kinda like the old adage, if you see truck drivers eating there, the restaurant must be good.
Okay, all talked out. Have a great night, folks.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Loyalsock Limestone

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
An Episode of the Grumpy Gourmet
Are You Signing Those Agendas?
Hey! C'mon, parents. You are to verify your kiddo has completed the science assignment and signed the agenda. A week's worth counts as one project grade. Each signature is worth 20-points. If your kid "ain't" gonna remind you, then, step-up and ask for the science paper and the agenda. We are in this, together.
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, October 20, 2008
What Are Rocks?
Parents, you have to review your munchkin's work to verify it is completed. I only get 'em for 40 minutes a day, you have them all evening. Please help.
Have a great night, folks.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Work Turned In Or Due
Making Rocks
A little of this and a little of that and a little Sodium Silicate, and we should have sandstone, shale, conglomerate and limestone, by Monday. Sections 61 and 63 begin that project, tomorrow.
Have a great night, folks.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Changes in Agenda
Have a great night folks.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Did Your Kid Turn In Repaired Lab 8e?
4-Sight Testing
Yesterday, I tested my homeroom in math. Today, I had Mrs. Pulizzi's kids. Both days were wonderful. The munchkins were serious about doing well on that test. Nice job, guys.
Miss Porter's Alzheimer's Awareness Walk
Yep, its tomorrow. She raised $150, today, with teacher purchasing dress-down day stickers and $3 purple wrist-bands. Funny, Miss Porter had to cut and staple her wrist-band because it was so large -- mine is digging into my wrist. Am I that big?
Have a great weekend, folks. I will not be monitoring my email until late Sunday. I need a break from this place.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
It Only Took 15 Years, But. . .
Y'all gotta read this conclusion: "Separate, but equal, caused a lot of problems for mostly the African-Americans. But, when the Brown family took this case to court, three years later, and fought for the schools to be together and equal -- they found that the court favored Linda and people like her. That day, May 17, 1954, Linda Brown and everybody who thought the separate, but, equal, motto wasn't fair, won."
I feel like a frosted, eight-layer cereal square -- proud.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Read Naturally - Naturally
Collected Signed Progress Reports
Pretty good return. Most kids brought backed signed progress reports, today.
4-Sight Tests, tomorrow and Friday
Only during periods 1 and 2, both days. I will meet with sections 62 and 64, tomorrow, and sections 63 and 61 on Friday.
Have a good night, folks.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
The Kid "Ain't" Going, Yet
Fixing Lab 8e
Munchkins saw the results of not reading and following directions and discussing plans with their groups before proceding. Those lab notebooks were, for the most part, a mess. Merry Christmas, Cherubs, you get to fix those nasty errors and improve your grade. Thank You, Mr. Zdun. Ahem, I did not quite hear you. Remember, I have to re-grade all those packets. THANK YOU, MR. ZDUN!!!!
Progress Reports Went Out Today, For Science
I handed out progress reports, today. For the most part, the grades are good -- however, I am sending out 14 progress reports to the homes of students that are failing or near failing. We have three more weeks to get "them thar" grades up-to-par.
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Tomorrow, the cherubs will redo Lab Notebook 8e. It will be due on Friday, October, 10, 2008. If it is not turned in, then, the original grade will stand. This is a self-explanatory lessons. Why the problems?
Have a great night, folks.
Friday, October 03, 2008
And Then, There Were -- NONE
Meanwhile, at School
We continued our lesson on physical and chemical weathering. Thanks to all the concerned parents that, after receiving my mass email about upcoming progress reports, contacted me for updates.
Well, the boy is packing. Have a good weekend, folks.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Lab 9 -- Reviewing physical and chemical changes
An Angel From Heaven Responded To My Blog, Yesterday
If you look at the comment section to yesterday's blog, you will see a response from Shirin. This is the young lady that took my daughter in during the last few hurricane evacuations from Galveston. Shirin and her family fed and housed my kid for several weeks as Texas A&M regrouped and moved operations to the College Station campus. Shirin and her family came directly from heaven and appeared at a time when my family needed her most. She literally saved my kid -- and for that, I will be eternally grateful. Please take a moment to comment to this blog and say hello to Shirin.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
They Must Love Me, This Assignment Could Be Done At Home
Daughter Has A Home
Fancy that, my daughter is being housed in a hotel at College Station, Texas. She said she has to take two buses and walk about 15 minutes to get to campus from the hotel, but, she has a single room with a king-sized bed, fridge, microwave, coffeemaker, and AC. After a four hour trip from Houston to College Station, she spent the night in the room. She realized, this morning, she needs to buy a coat. She said even at 10 a.m. it was cold. Since she is completely lost, she did find someone to guide her to the campus bookstore. "Dad, they have coats, but, the price!!!" I told her to go ahead. At this point, her health and comfort are priority over cost. Geez, that hurt to say. All that money! Oiy!!!! Still the college version of my kid in sweats and sneaks is better than the teenaged kid with designer clothes.
I Like This Class
You should see my cherubs. They are working on this lab and fully-intend to finish by 4:30. For the last few weeks I questioned their maturity. I am eating crow, they are working in a mature manner. Aiy, it does my old Irish heart proud -- whoops, I'm Polish.
Have a great night, folks. Time to ask Pappa Z for help.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Hey! There's a Docs in my Google!!!
Speaking of Computers
Some of my science classes are behind schedule and should be on page 16 through 18 in their packets. This involves using the computer and finding sites on our FOSS module. Your kiddoes have all the instructions and are welcomed to work at home. I want this entire packet done by Thursday morning. NO FORGIVENESS!!! It's now time to observe deadlines. We have to push-on. I am three weeks behind schedule, as it is.
Maneuvering through a battlefield
My kid called at 3 for her 100 mile trip to College Station. Here it is pert near 7 and she is still 40 miles from College Station. She said the roads are like minefields, traffic is bumper-to-bumper, they had to travel in the opposite direction to get around impassable road lengths. So, there they are, my kid, her friend and her boyfriend, enroute to the main campus. She is staying in a hotel, tonight, and will be assigned a room and an area rooming house, tomorrow. Would you go through all that?
Have a great night, folks. Pray for the hurricane victims in Texas. While you're at it, say a little prayer for Mrs. Fry. I just adore that woman.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Shake It, Baby!
Okay, 'nough said. Time for lotsa Tylenol.
Have a great night, folks.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
It's All GONE
Now, we have to submit an itemized list of all her belongings. All those clothes we bought this past summer - gone. What a waste. She said she never got a chance to wear half of those clothes.
Well, I have to submit a claim through FEMA -- I've been told victims of Katrina are still waiting for their FEMA checks -- don't t'ya just love government workings?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend, folks.
Friday, September 26, 2008
What Do You Mean, Power Team?
I got the nicest group of kids in my club, "Sock Scoop on the Web." Problem is, we have so little time to gather news, write-it up and format it for the website. Oh well, a work in progress. The bugs in this ointment are pretty large.
Dance Tonight
I got my John Travolta shoes, my Vince Gilly cowboy hat, my Kevin Bacon t-shirt and am ready to boogie. We are in the middle school gym from 7 to 9. Parents, pick up your munchkins by 8:45 p.m. One time, Mr. Fausnaught made me stay for the kids that remained. I was here until 10:30.
Cold Becoming Tolerable
Its sad when you can't yell and have to rely on Mrs. Pulizzi and Mrs. Phillips to settle down the hallway. A couple of kids hugged me out of sympathy. Golly, gee. I love this place.
Keep 'em Learnin'
Have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Check out the damage to my daughter's campus at Texas A&M in Galveston:
The resilience of people:
Hope all had a good day. Have a good night, folks.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
You May Need A Steam Cleaner
Tomorrow, we unveil the fourth, mystery sand, and the munchkins will have to identify that sample using only their collected data and sand descriptions. Oh great, more sand on my floor. Hey, I've got tile floors and I think I gathered enough stray sand grains to build a nifty sand castle.
Finishing Schools To Watch documentation
For the last couple of months, I have been compiling documentation touting the virtues of our little school. It's funny, when you spend your existence in a tiny classroom, the world around you goes by without even hinting at its wonders. Well, what I mean is, this place is totally COOL. We have teachers doing the most innovative things with education you can imagine. I have compiled eight pages of facts and features from grade-level to related arts, to field trips and lunch with Mr. Fausnaught.
Have a great night, folks.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Love Continues
Our librarian, Mrs. Myers, camed to my classroom with even more donation money for the Krysia Relief Fund. I work with some fantastic folks. I put money in Krysia's bank account and my father sent her several hundred dollars. She is doing well in regards to replacing hurricane-destroyed items -- THANKS TO ALL!!!
I'm Ready for Tomorrow
We will paste different sand samples on a "sand card" and compare the granular structure of each sample. Should be fun. However, the kiddoes will be taking the packet home to answer a number of questions that go with their observations. Email if your munchkin finds that assignment difficult.
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Sands of Time
Homework, tonight, was to read descriptions of and answer questions about different sand colors in nature.
Tomorrow, we play with sugar.
The Kid Returns To TAMUG on Saturday
First of all, here is a link to my daughter's thank you to the staff of the middle school and high school.
Next, we got word the students will be permitted back on campus on Saturday to gather whatever personal belongings are salvageable. I doubt she will find anything.
Have a great night, folks.
Friday, September 19, 2008
With Tears In My Eyes. . .
My kid is 2,ooo miles away, the victim of Hurricane Ike -- homeless and carless.
Her college campus damaged and inexcessible.
And, through it, she managed to secure a safe place at the home of a friend in Houston. Her life returning to normal with the restoration of power and friends to take her shopping for clothes to replace those she lost. She is set to complete the semester via distance learning and we found, today, the campus may reopen by the end of January.
Then, today, I was called into the office. It appears the middle school and high school teachers took up a collection to help Krysia get through this tragedy.
I LOVE these people. Mr. Fausnaught said we are like a family - we love and we fight, just like any family. Well, here's to you my family -- Thank you, I love you all.
Back to schoolwork
I better get lotsa emails, this weekend, from Sections 62 and 64. You chose not to follow directions for today's experiment and some of you ignored me so much, I was forced to yell at you to get your attention. I know darn well I did get a few to pay attention after my outburst. But, I should not have to do that. So, I wanna hear from you guys so we can finish this project.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Rock-n-Roll LIVES!!!
The early-morning crew gathered their rocks, last weekend, but, we will not do that displacement activity until we are further into the geology unit.
The Latest Buzz from Texas
My kid is safe, fed and has a roof over her head. She is planning to stay in Houston and finish the semester via distance learning. She will stay with the family that took her in during the evacuation. She is not yet ready to leave Texas until she learns the fate of some very personal items she had to abandon in her haste to leave her college dorm. I feel as though a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders and feel I can finally get some sleep after more than a week of worrying about my baby girl. Please pray for those Texans that were left with nothing in the wake of Hurricane Ike. "Them thar are good people."
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Water, Water Everywhere, and Today Was About Soil and Stone
Have a great night, folks.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Parents: Check Your Kid's Science Notebook
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, September 15, 2008
ROCKet Science?
Finish Packets
Sections 63 and 61, probably had homework. They were to complete their project packets if not finished in class.
Lost Everything
My kid lost everything to Ike. Now, she has to go to the main campus with but a couple of change of clothing for thte remainder of the semester. First, her car dies and is junked, now she lost everything to a hurricane. However, she is safe. Please pray for the Texans that also, lost everything.
Have a good night, folks.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thank God, Ike Was Just Passing Through
Thanks to all that sent me email or called with support as I waited out this storm. It ain't easy being a daddy. By the way, the friend's father was stuck in Chicago on business and could not return to Houston because they shut-down the airports yesterday morning. His cellphone buzzed, all night, as well.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Friday, September 12, 2008
I Was Not In School, Today
How was school?
Mrs. BB was in for me, today. Due to the rain, I made a last-minute change to Sectio 63. Instead of performing the percolation test, outside, they did the experiment on rock absorbency.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Gone to Houston, but, Houston may be gone

Not here, tomorrow
Mrs. BB is here, tomorrow. Section 62 and 64 are working on lab notebook 3, a rock absorbency project, section 63 is doing lab notebook 1 -- Percolation, and section 61 is working on lab notebook 4 -- Stream action on rocks. It was interesting to watch me set-up three different experiments to be used between 8 and 11 a.m.
Have a safe night, folks.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Switching to PANIC MODE!!
On the Home Front
My cherubs organized their science notebooks, today. Those binders and agendas are to go home every night. Parents; if you take something out of your kid's binder, please replace it immediately. They are being graded for keeping the notebooks organized.
That's about it for me, right now. I am monitoring the hurricane and fielding calls from family that have heard about the change in Ike. Wish my kid well, folks.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
I Got Wet
Welcome Miss Porter
Did y'all say howdy to Nicole Porter? She's our sub for Mrs. Fry. Nice young lady, about my son's age -- did I just admit my age? Oops. Well, Miss Porter has a blog on her website. Click the link to see her blog. I hope your kids like Miss Porter. She is a very friendly girl - ahem - woman.
Did You Link to
I have been following Hurricane Ike and it looks like it will miss Galveston. Whew. worried daddywatch has been downgraded to daddyconcern.
Leah Writes for Sun-Gazette
My former student Leah wrote an article for the S-G in Monday's paper in the education section. Here is that link: I am so proud of her.
Gavin's Mom's Idea
I had problems with the tin can experiment. Gavin's mom suggested PVC pipe. So, I bought a five-foot section and Mr. Wheeland cut it down to six 10-inch long sections. Thanks, Mr. Wheeland.
Science Notebook
My students will be organizing their science notebooks, tomorrow. I have an index for the munchkins to follow. If I hand it out, it goes in the notebook. Parents, please ensure your kiddoes are keeping their notebooks up-to-date. Also, I make them record the objective and homework assignment, each day, in the agenda. Please make certain there is such an entry for every science class. They get a test grade for the agenda.
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Sixth Graders are like Grown Men?
Back on Hurricane Watch
The daughter is in Hurricane Ike's sights. Needless to say, I will be worried about her safety and the hurricane is not due to make landfall in Texas until Saturday. Wanna see a great website for hurricanes? Click the link:
Have a great night, folks.
Friday, September 05, 2008
Porosity Experiment Begins
The cherubs did choose their clubs, today, during BASE. Current plans are to implement clubtime on Fridays. It should be fun.
Sixth grade parents: Did y'all get my practice email? I made a mass-mailing account that only shows the students' names, but, not their email addresses. Send me an email, even if it is just to say, hello.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
New BASE schedule
If you think that is confusing, you should see our class rosters for BASE!
Change in plans
For several weeks I have been trying to find a way to cut-out both ends of tin cans for an experiment. Today's cans have a curved bottom that does not allow can openers to work. Must be a safety thing. Well, I give up. Despite buying hammers and 2x4s, I have to shelf this project. Instead, I am moving to the next lesson - porosity. It is Geology Lab Notebook 2 on my website.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Mining For Chips

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Naw, They Aren't Pooped

Sunday, August 31, 2008
Why I Removed My Sea Aggie Bumper Sticker
I hope the daughter tires of this silliness and opts to return to the east coast to complete her Marine Biology degree.
Have a nice holiday, folks. I am still on worried daddy watch.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Gustav has me worried
Have a safe weekend, folks.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Day 3
Well, this old man is ready for a nap.
Have a great night, folks.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Day 2 -- Tired and Stiff
Sleep Well, My Cherubs
Tomorrow we test 4-sight math and reading. It will be from 8 to 11, and the rest of the day will follow our regular schedule. Munchkins will be in homerooms for the testing.
I see my recliner in the distance -- hello, old friend. Have a great night folks.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
First Day -- I'm feelin' my age
Long Day
Okay, so what did me in? I left school at 3:30, ran some errands, went home and immediately took a 15-minute nap. I am just now waking-up. My son woke me with a surprise. He and the wifey purchased a hood bra for my Subaru Baja. I've been searching for a Baja for a couple of years and presented me with this gift for my diligence. So, here I am, only now getting caught-up with my blog.
Lockers, Agendas and Tours
After introductions, the day consisted of mastering locker combination, arranging agendas and touring the building. Whew! I am feeling my age. It's hard to believe I'm already 29 -- LOL.
Okay, the recliner is calling. Have a great night, folks.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Did Ya See, Leah?
Scranton Boy Nearly Ruined It
I was in Middleburg, still reeling from the sudden loss of my brother-in-law, when I asked my family to tune in ABC. Leah was slated to play about 3:20, but, Joe Biden came on as a special report to say in an extremely long-winded way, "Yep, I'll run with Obama." My family laughed as I growled, mumbling they will probably pre-empt, Leah. Sure enough, eventually, Biden stopped talking and ABC ended their post-speech analysis. Finally, it was back to Little League. AND, there she was, on pitcher's mound, clad in some kind of sports-oriented tee-shirt and jeans. Just last month, Leah played her violin on the Great Wall of China, today, the world.
What a great kid. Thank you, Leah for including me in your fascinating summer and thanks for alerting me to today's game.
I fired-off a quick e-mail to Leah, telling her, I could not have been more proud of her as I would my own daughter. My sister's house erupted with me, screaming - "That's one of my kids!!!!"
See y'all on Tuesday.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Hey, There, Mousketeers!!!
I do have to apologize, however. One of my brothers-in-law passed away over the past weekend in North Carolina, and the red tape to ship the body back here was horrendous. Anyhow, Thursday and Friday was a time for funeral and I was flip-flopping back and forth between here and Middleburg, in Snyder County. I did make it back for our meet the teacher night and I am pleased with the outcome.
Yesterday was bad as the family gathered, cried, moarned and hugged at the viewing, but, we also shared funny stories and events prompted by this departed family member. Yes, yesterday was long, but, today, was worse. Today, was a very long day that started about 5:30 this morning, and here I am at 9:30 at night finally loosening my tie, kicking off my shoes and journaling in this blog.
If you want a harrowing experience, be a part of a 14-car funeral procession from Selinsgrove to Williamsport at 2 p.m. on a Little League Week Friday!! Despite the fact we used warning flashers on our cars, other motorists disregarded that fact and broke our line, scooted in front of us, in our line, made illegal turns through our line and greeted us with shouts and obscene gestures -- only in Pennsylvania, home of the meanest critters in America.
I am planning to make-up some lost time on Sunday, by working on my classroom. Miss Porter, our substitute for the substitute for the substitute for Mrs. Fry, indicated she would like to come in also, on Sunday, to work on her room. Yeah, I know, dedicated. It's easy for her, she's my son's age. Us old geezers find it tough to make it through a Monday to Friday gig, much less, come on weekends.
Okay, let's wrap-it-up. My incoming kiddoes are really super. Their parents were so nice and some even smiled at my dumb jokes. I think it's gonna be a great year.
I will see YOU on Tuesday. Have a super weekend, folks.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Second day of orientation
High School Orientation
The new ninth graders toured the high school, today. It was funny how they looked at my incoming sixth graders remarking how tiny, cute, or whatnot. It worked, until a couple of older high school kids came into the building and remarked about the incoming ninth graders as tiny, cute, and whatnot.
Still need a sub for the sub for the sub for Mrs. Fry
Poor Mr. Fausnaught is still searching.
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Hi-Dee Ho!!! I'm baaaaccckkk!
Back to the grind. Orientation, today, with a really neat looking group of incoming sixth graders. They are oh-so polite and tiny.
Mr. Fausnaught, Mrs. Preisch, Miss Massetti, Mr Saville-Andre, and PTO President Mrs. Bogacyzk, gave a great presentation. Mrs. Antonacci, Mrs. Pulizzi, and I, stood on the side.
'Puters and Tables
Some good news. Mr. Gee connected all six of my new, old computers in my classroom, and my long awaited tables arrived and were "set-up" in my room upon my arrival, today.
It felt funny being back in the classroom. Mrs. Antonacci and Mrs. Pulizzi working in their classrooms as we ready for the first day of school, next Tuesday.
I am still waiting for the rest of my supplies, and my scissors disappeared from my room.
Mystery Teacher
We were 'posed to have Mr. Forney sub for Mrs. Fry, this year, but, he accepted a full-time teaching position at Curtin Middle School. The rat, but, he is a good teacher and I knew someone would snatch him from our clutches. Anyway, Mr. Fausnaught found a replacement for Mrs. Fry's replacement -- Mrs. Albaugh. Mrs. Albaugh was a long-term sixth grade sub 15 years ago. I have not worked with her, since. I was so excited to learn she was coming in for Mr. Forney. But, alas, I learned, this morning, Mrs. Albaugh has accepted a position, elsewhere -- go figure. Poor Mr. Fausnaught is now interviewing, again, for that one-year position. This guy has the patience of a saint. He took it all in stride as we greeted parents and students, this morning.
Thanks Ling-Ling and Ryan
It was a nice summer. I heard from these kiddoes over the summer and was privvy to be invited to view Ling-Ling's China visit blog. Her father took many pictures and posted them during their trip. I really enjoyed the daily blog.
Have a great night, folks.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
On Summer Vacation til 2nd week of August
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Surprise Quiz Went Bust!!!
Fear not! Tomorrow, they are getting a 10-question multiple-choice test on sections 1 and 2 of the chapter. These grades count! It will give me time to record the grades and print out progress reports for the office. The cherubs will have to wait until Friday to get their progress reports.
Chase Showed Initiative
Chase took it upon herself to interview adults in our building about voting. We are learning about the voting process in Social Studies. I was shocked to not only see her interviews, but, she also typed-out the questions she asked those adults. We are discussing the original Constitution that permitted only white men of property, 18-years or older, to vote. Today, we got as far as womens' suffrage, and tomorrow, the civil rights movement. I gotta couple 'o' kids that are proud to call themselves Americans and want to learn more about our voting process. I feel like that mini-shredded wheat biscuit wiping away a tear, proclaiming his pride in a young man that was able to show his teacher he was paying attention.
Have a great night folks.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
I Love Our PTO Moms and Dads
I often brag about our PTO to teachers in other districts. Sometimes, I take for granted, how good I have it, here. This PTO comes in and prepares ice cream sundaes for our cherubs as a reward, they supply us with food and "stuffs" for field trips and offer to come into the classroom and help out. I will tell you, teachers in other districts envy me.
Here's a big, Pappa Z hug, to the Loyalsock Middle School PTO!!!!!!! Thanks for all that you do.
Half Day For Me, Tomorrow
The marine biology major daughter is coming home, tomorrow, for six-week working visit. She is doing an independent study of wetlands at the Muncy Canal archaeology dig site. I have to take a half-day personal day to get to State College in time for her proposed 1:40 p.m. arrival. My cherubs will watch a really cool video on the Unfolding Universe. It pretty much covers, in a fantastic graphics display, the textbook we are using in science.
Gideon versus Wainwright
In Social Studies, we will look at the 14th and 5th Amendments in regards to a supreme court case in which an uneducated man was convicted and imprisoned for a burglary. There are some parts of this textbook that are really neat. I love the court cases they pick to review.
Have a great weekend, folks.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Space, the final frontier
Does Spelling Count?
On May 28, the sixth grade will be going on field trips. Three groups, three locations. We will converge on Riverfront Park at Canfield Island. Well, oops, we made a bit of a boo-boo on the permission slips. Those slips will be going home on May 23, and we inadvertantly called the park, Riverside, instead of Riverfront. And, because we are using so much paper, the sixth grade team has opted to simply let the mistake go through. We will instruct the kiddoes to cross out the misspelled word and write-in the correct spelling.
Have a great night, folks.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Cross-age Teachers Discuss Tobacco Use
Have a good night, folks.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Okay, I'm Late, Again
Back to school work
Flight durations went pretty well. I had a lot of kids that kept their planes in the air for five seconds, but, I had several notables, such as Brandon, whose plane stayed in the air for 8.16-seconds, and Ryland, who made it last for 7.15-seconds. By the way, 7th grade girls that were warming-up for gym class in the gymnasium, gave Ryland the aaaaahhhhs and ooooohhhhs.
Cross-age Tomorrow
Section 64 does not have science tomorrow, due to cross-age. Section 63 needs to launch planes for duration, and Sections 62 and 61 are gonna build the omni-wing paper airplane. It uses tape, but, boy does that puppy fly.
Whew! Better Hit The Shower
Worked up a sweat, in the yard. Shower and bedtime by 10 a.m. Don't expect to see me at school before 7 a.m. tomorrow. I am starting to show signs of overwork. 10-hour days being paid for only 8, is getting to me.
Have a great night, folks.
Sunday, May 04, 2008
I Dig The Dirty Work
The Saturday archaeology dig at Muncy entered its second week. I took pictures, chatted with Bill Poulton, president of the Muncy Historical Society, and sifted lotsa, lotsa dirt, only to find one tiny chunk of coal. Ho-hum. But, it was a beautiful day and I was outside. I just wish I could've taken my dog, with me.
If you haven't seen it yet, ya gotsta go to my website and view the webpage I put together on the Muncy Canal project.
Well, tomorrow, my kiddoes are launching their paper airplanes for flight duration. Hope they tweeked and refined over the weekend. No gimmees on this project. What they earn is what they get in three throws, or less.
Have a good night, folks.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
Throwing paper airplanes for distance
Have a great night folks.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Changes in Agenda
Have a great night, folks.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Bernoulli's Principle, Newtonian Laws, and Paper Airplanes
Went Diggin' In Da Doit.
Here is a link to photos I took at the archaeology dig at the Muncy Canal project. Click on the link. Downloading takes about three minutes.
Have a great night, folks.